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Posts tagged as “region”

70+ Cases: Mendo Jail Update

On December 31, 2020, the Sheriff’s Office received the results of the COVID-19 testing that was done on the jail population December 26 and 27, 2020.  As expected, the number of confirmed cases amongst the…

Supervisor McCowen Exits without a Single Whereas

We would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge Supervisor John McCowen’s final board meeting on December 15, 2020. Appearing via zoom at the Tuesday Board meeting, Mendo’s alleged state reps, Senator Mike McGuire and Assemblyman…

Off the Record (December 30, 2020)

RECEIVED an excited e-mail about last week’s celestial events from the vivid Tom Cahill, formerly of Fort Bragg, presently in self-imposed exile in France. “I've been waiting for this all my life!” he said, “Jupiter and…

The Deadly Cost of Misbehavior

The California Dept. of Public Health (CDPH) now warns that “disastrous consequences” will occur without a change in how we celebrate the winter holidays, and California will experience a surge on top of a surge…

The Arrival of Vaccine is a Reason for Optimism

The roll out of both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines have gone much more smoothly than many other aspects of battling this pandemic have so far...

The Transition and the Pandemic

On Monday, Dec. 14, President-elect Joe Biden addressed the nation after the Electoral College officially rubber-stamped his win over President Donald Trump and proved he’s no Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who lifted up a Depression Era…

Shooting/Collision Fatalities in Fort Bragg/Caspar

On 12-24-2020 at approximately 6:30 AM Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to a reported traffic collision with a fatality in Caspar. During the initial scene investigation it was determined a shooting had occurred in the city…

Supes Blame Their Utter Failure To Act On Covid

Last week we wrote about the Board’s agenda item last Tuesday concerning the seemingly endless number of ad hoc committees the Supervisors seem to be endlessly appointing themselves to. The public, or that tiny portion…

Covid Outbreak at Mendo County Jail

A corrections Deputy employed at the Mendocino County Jail had been off work with an illness. Per policy the deputy received testing for COVID-19. On Saturday December 19, 2020 the Corrections Deputy reported to Jail…
