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Posts tagged as “region”

Secrecy at Coast Hospitality Center

The Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center in Fort Bragg receives hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in government funding. That's tax dollars from the public. Yet, in these Covid times the Hospitality Center Board of Directors…

Off the Record (January 13, 2021)

KUDOS to new supervisor Mo Mulheren for resisting — on her first day in office yet — the indefensible payout of another hundred thousand dollars to the San Diego-based county health officer, Dr. Doohan, apparently…

County Vaccine Clinics Ramping Up

The County of Mendocino received a large allotment of vaccine this week and are holding no less than six vaccination clinics. “We received 1,400 first doses and 400 second doses of the Moderna vaccine. Additionally,…

Supes Agenda Highlights

[Board of Supervisors Agenda, January 5, 2021] Ten More Deputies Item 5j: Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Operation, Staffing, and Fiscal Plan for Additional Ten (10) Deputies to the Sheriff's Operations to Address Organized…

Off the Record (January 6, 2021)

NOTE: Changes in our print schedule mean the mail dispatch from Boonville is now on Thursdays, not Wednesdays. Subscribers, stores, and newsstands beyond the Anderson Valley will get their paper-papers a day later than previously.…

COVID Vaccine Availability and Rollout

California governor Gavin Newsom has asked the State to allocate $300 million to go for COVID vaccine distribution and education.  The first vaccine was FDA approved about a month ago and California has now received…

Hurry Up Vaccinations

At about 12:05 PM on Monday, January 4th, the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office was informed of a freezer malfunction at Adventist Health Ukiah, and that in order to preserve the vaccines, they needed to be…

Judge Brennan Deemed Unfit by District Attorney

Coast Judge Will No Longer Hear Cases Involving Animal Cruelty And/Or Cases With A Sentencing Enhancement Alleged Relating To The Personal Use Of A Firearm Mendocino County District Attorney David Eyster announced Monday that effective…

Bonanno Found, Deceased

On 01-01-21 Sheriff's Deputies, Mendocino County Search & Rescue volunteers, South Coast Volunteer Fire Department personnel and Redwood Coast Fire Department personnel continued the search for Kerry Ann Bonanno on her property. Today's search consisted…
