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Posts tagged as “local”

Farm To Farm

Saturday morning I was trying to sleep in, but the phone rang about eight. It was my current employer, Mort O'Henry. “Spec?” “Man, I didn't think we were working today.” “No, I'm down at my…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all - if you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin... Talking of ‘sitting comfortably’, that was something not at all easy to do after the vast amount of food that I…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Lanny Parker

I met with Lanny at his home south of Boonville near to the Meyer Family Cellars tasting room. We sat at a dining table, where we were to later enjoy some delicious shrimp quesadillas that…

Huffman’s Money

The Speaker of the California State Assembly in the 1960s, Jesse ‘Big Daddy’ Unruh once announced that, “money is the mother's milk of politics.” His was an era of unrestrained financing in state and federal…

Should This Man Be Extradited?

Chris Diaz, 22, appears at 1:30 this afternoon (Wednesday the 30th November) in Judge Moorman's courtroom where Texas is waiting for him in the form of an extradition warrant. If Judge Moorman approves it, Diaz…

The Grading Ordinance: A Slo-Mo Fiasco

"Fiasco, n., an absolute, abject, ignominious, ludicrous or utterly humiliating failure." Back in the early oughts of 2000 a couple of vineyards slid onto Mendo roadways, prompting some people to wonder why Mendocino County was…

Fort Bragg Gets Kinda’ Shystie

They’re Here, There and Everywhere, the proliferation of gangs in Mendocino County. Our headline writers decided this sweepingly inclusive distillation would just about cover all the bases. But it turns out to have been something…

Valley People

THE GOOD NEWS. Garrett Mezzanatto, three-sport star athlete at Anderson Valley High School, sustained an ugly-looking knee injury in the final football game of the year versus Point Arena. He's been on crutches ever since,…

‘Throw The Bums Out’

Louise "Wheezer" Gonyo was recently elected president of SEIU Local 1021. Gonyo is assumed to be one of the SEIU hardliners who claim the County is insisting on wage concessions simply to break the union,…
