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Posts tagged as “local”

Getting Crab Out Of Noyo

From the deck of an 18-footer fully loaded for a sport crab run, the sea looked pretty nice before noon. Crossing the Noyo bridge, we noted the flat surface of the cove, with only a…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. While many of you will have seen me there, others would perhaps like to know that I spent a lovely evening in…

Farm To Farm

“Never go in Kincaid Holler after dark,” they always warned us. The Kincaids reinforced the frightened prejudices of the German farmers. From the other side of the river, the farmers they regarded as invaders of…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: John Scharffenberger

I met with John at his lovely home set amongst thirty-plus beautiful acres just outside Philo. He made some strong coffee and we sat down to talk in the spacious dining room, with dogs Boris…

Feds Win A Pot Ruling

A series of lawsuits have been filed by medical marijuana advocates attempting to halt an ongoing federal crackdown on dispensaries and a ruling last week favored the feds. In a federal court case filed by…

Draconian Cuts & State Parks

Friday morning, December 2nd, at 9AM, the John Sakowicz show on KZYX/Z featured a live interview with Jared Huffman, candidate for the 2nd Congressional District. Mr. Huffman appeared in his capacity as Chairman of the…

Off The Record

This Week: In the land of ganja and grapes, a harvest party; Peggy Lee at the Masonic Auditorium; Occupy Ukiah at WalMart; and much more

No, They Were People

Willie Braxton Williams went down last week. He's been a Courthouse fixture for many years, the recipient of vast stores of leniency and judicial understanding, but he finally went down, which just goes to show…

Valley People

A DRUNK, still not identified because he refuses to reveal his name, was driving a 2000 Dodge Dakota pickup truck he'd stolen in Fort Bragg when he and another vehicle were pulled over by a…
