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Posts tagged as “local”

Memo Of The Week: Mendolib, Par Excellence

Hi, It was definitely stupid for me to mutter at the council meeting that the seven protest letters that we received were “not very compelling.” I absolutely own that. It was a comment that could…

Valley People

BILL MANNIX has died in Santa Rosa. Bill, who was 94, wasn't as well known in the Anderson Valley as his brother Homer, but Bill was quite well known in the outside world as one…

Lake County To Elem Pomo: The One Percent Are Exempt

As you read these words, one of the Northern California East Bay Area's wealthiest men is getting away with an act of cultural genocide. Construction crews employed by wireless technology magnate John Nady began trenching…

Remembering Barbara Jane Marcott

Barbara Jane Marcott was granted her angel wings on November 27th 2011; she was 89. Those who knew her were touched by her sweet, gentle nature. She loved her family first and foremost and she…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Eva Johnson

A couple of weeks ago, a few days after Thanksgiving, I met with long-time Valley resident Eva Johnson at the Fairgrounds in Boonville and we sat and talked in one of the rooms at that…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Unusually, let’s start off this week with our 3-Dot regular, The Old Buzzard, as he shares with us another in his insightful…

He’s Coming Back

A garbled story last month in the Fort Bragg Advocate informed Fort Bragg that a still young, and perhaps still dangerous, man named Tony Mitchell will soon be out of prison. The family of one…

Save Hendy Woods Regroups

  More than a hundred locals, most of them gray-haired, attended last Wednesday’s meeting to save Hendy Woods State Park. Most of the under-60 people on hand were the young persons who'd kicked the campaign…

The Worst Turkey Day Ever

Defense attorney Keith Faulder is a long-time friend of DA David Eyster. Faulder is also a former senior prosecutor. Faulder said recently, “I told Dave if he’s going to keep filing these shit cases, then…
