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Posts tagged as “local”

A Hendy Woods Hobneelch

“Grab your applehead, get a new hedge, and get out of that can kicky mood! We're having a tidrick and it's gonna be a beemsch!” smiles Jenny Burnstad, Treasurer/Fiscal Director of the Cloud Forest Institute…

Half-Baked & Half-Cocked

The murder trial of Marvin Johnson and Simon Thornton is underway at the Mendocino County Courthouse. Johnson and Thornton are charged as accomplices in the fatal shooting last summer of Joe Litteral, who took a…

Off The Record

RAY WHITTAKER is a good ref and a good guy. Anybody who's attended a local ball game over three generations of Mendocino County high school kids can attest to his steady, competent fairness. He has…

Valley People

CURTIS ‘CURT’ BERRY, long-time resident of upper Greenwood Road, has died. We hope to have a full obituary in next week's paper. POINT ARENA'S high school baseball team is justly proud of being the first…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. It was good to see many of you at the Lions Club Tri-Tip and Chicken BBQ at the Fairgrounds on Sunday afternoon…

Farm To Farm

Dry, scorching days have sent watermelon vines running, sweet corn stalks shooting. I've been irrigating broccoli, sugar snap peas, and carrots overnight, the first harvests coming in for our new vegetable CSA, produce we will…

A Hole In California

I used to think there wasn’t much a hole in the ground could do. The hole could get bigger, or it could get smaller. And that’s about it. But I’ve recently learned that a hole…

Regurgitating The Obvious

We’ve seen our share of officially-sanctioned buffoonery from the Supervisors over the years, unconsciously comic performances from County Ag Advisor Glen McGourty, (former) Supervisor Nelson Redding, County School Superintendent Paul Tichinin, Supervisor Tom Lucier, the…

Valley People

JUAN LERMA, 46, of Fort Bragg, has been identified as the man killed by a falling limb early Monday morning off the old Masonite Road near Navarro. An experienced faller with Shuster Logging, Lerma was…
