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Posts tagged as “local”

AVTV — Or Not

Ah, television; the electronic hearth that has dominated American home entertainment — and American culture — for more than 60 years. Today Anderson Valley residents enjoy television delivered via a multiple technologies: cable, satellite and…

Valley People

WITH THE SALE of Gowan's Farm Supply, and Dave and Nancy moving on to Oregon "not far south of Eugene," as Dave said Tuesday morning, Anderson Valley seems that much less Anderson Valley, less anchored…

Off The Record

A COUPLE OF MILD SURPRISES in Tuesday's election: Norm Solomon only pulled 10% of the vote as the Republican candidate, Dan Roberts, came in at about 11%, just enough to move Roberts into a November…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. We’ll start off with a question. What do these Valley folks have in common? – Eva Holcomb, June Lemons, Diane Herron, Carolyn…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Patrick Ford

I met with Patrick at the Veterans Hall / Senior Center in Boonville a couple of weeks ago. It seemed an obvious choice as we are both Senior Center Board members and Pat is shortly…

What A Wonderful Wedding!

I was lucky to be invited to the wedding of Yutzel Alejandra Garcia and Alejandro Gonzales on Saturday June 7th. The ceremony took place at St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church in Ukiah. The…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. News reached me a couple of weeks ago that the Valley’s police dog, Bullet, had been re-assigned and has left the Valley…

River Views

As if the sound of chainsaws in the six a.m. hour wasn’t bracing enough, bare feet on the kitchen floor stepped nearly toe to pincer with a scorpion. There are dozens of species of scorpions; ours are forest scorpions, Uroctonus mordax.
