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Posts tagged as “local”

Supes Do Show Biz

Let’s take a closer look at the Supervisors reluctant decision Tuesday to approve Sheriff Tom Allman’s participation in a six-part reality series on marijuana eradication on the Northcoast. Specifically, the final remarks of all five…

Rastas: What’s To Protest?

A squadron of gunships came thundering down the Anderson Valley Sunday morning, flying low and fast, in combat formation, racing over the treetops just ahead of their sound-signature. In military parlance, this was a cavalry…

Valley People

JUDY WAGGONER-ISBELL, a life-long resident of the Anderson Valley, was airlifted from her Navarro home Friday night to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital in Santa Rosa where she remains in critical condition, suffering from a complicated…

Off The Record

ASSEMBLYMAN TOM AMMIANO has dropped his bill that would regulate and tax California's medical marijuana industry. He said the bill "represents my best effort to regulate this industry that has existed in a patchwork of…

Valley People

THERE'S ALWAYS the local angle: Anderson Valley's very own Eric Labowitz was the presiding judge at the arraignment of Paul Seeman, the Berkeley judge who has shuffled a lot of Occupy protesters into Alameda County…

Pay Us, Mendo, And Together We’ll Rip Off Everyone

I defy you to read this all the way through and tell me we don't need Single Payer in this country. Every time the subject of healthcare comes up at the County level we get…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. As happens with most ‘scandals’ in these parts, the story of a ‘change in direction’ for the local store, “All that Good…

Off The Record

THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VOTED UNANIMOUSLY to partially "de-Teeter" the Brooktrails Community Services District. The County will no longer pay to Brooktrails the assessments for sewer, water, and fire, which amount to $120 per vacant…

Two Down, Two To Go

Paul Sequiera earned his Mendo stripes last Friday. He already had lots of stripes from his years as a Contra Costa County prosecutor, but as chief prosecutor here in Mendo, it took Sequiera a year…
