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Posts tagged as “local”

Why No One Is Celebrating

After all the alarms and dire predictions, on June 26th the State Parks Department announced that all but five state parks have been saved from closure — for the time being. Why, then, is no…

Wine Mob Mau-Mau’s Moorman

The wine people of inland Mendocino County want unimpeded access to the finite waters of the Russian River. Last week this singularly unattractive mob of outback boors pulled off a quiet riot in Judge Ann…

Penn State Or The State Pen?

Mr. Ferris Perviance, III, sixty-ish, wearing a dark suit and brown fedora, sat on a bench on School Street. Perviance Three had the resigned air of a man enduring an unearned insult. He was still…

Off The Record

NORTHCOAST PROGRESSIVE Norman Solomon graciously conceded defeat last week, thus removing whatever interest there might have been in the November election for Congress in the newly gerrymandered California Second District. Solomon came up 172 votes…

Valley People

AT 6:45am Tuesday morning, CalFire called in the terrible news that a fully loaded logging truck had overturned on Flynn Creek Road near Navarro. The driver of the truck was dead and logs had spilled…

Fort Bragg’s Redwood Health Club Closes

The Redwood Health Club, an icon of the greater Mendocino/Fort Bragg area, closed its doors for the last time on Saturday, June 30. Owner Don Pollard had kept the place going through thick and thin…

Trailer Park Blues

After months of lobbying from seniors in the Ukiah Valley, the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors took up a “mobile home rent stabilization ordinance” for Mendocino County last Tuesday. Translation: Rent control for trailer parks.…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. So how was it for you? The Sierra Music Festival that is. Apart from a few complaints about the loudness of the…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks

Kevin was born on July 4th, 1958 in Long Beach, California, to parents June Manning and Donald Crane. Both sides of the family had come to this country in the mid-to-late 1800’s, with the Manning’s settling Utah and the Crane’s in Idaho. While Kevin’s mother was not a Mormon, his Grandmother Manning was and the community where they lived, American Fork, was one dominated by Mormons since the 1850’s.
