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Posts tagged as “local”

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Thanksgiving is upon us! My favorite holiday of the year when all you have to do is eat, drink, and be merry,…

Panther Soccer 2012

As reported last week, the 2012 high school boys’ soccer season ended in the “ultimate victory” for Anderson Valley — the post season Championship. However, as regular fans/readers will be well aware, it was a…

Election Notes, Mendocino County

Fleeting impressions. As usual, most people lost, and, as usual, almost half those eligible to vote didn't bother. Obama and Romney spent about six billion dollars raised from wealthy individuals and wealthy individuals organized as…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. This month’s Birthday Greetings go out to Jeanne Nickless, Shirley Harris, Judy Long, David Kooyers, Cheryl Rajeski, Gerald Bowers, Peter Kayd, John…


On a sunny but cool Wednesday afternoon, the AV High Schodol boys’ soccer team hosted the semi-final of the play-offs in which they faced the Warriors of Fremont Christian in front of a raucous crowd…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: David Jackness

I met with David on Anderson Valley Way where he lives with life-partner Regine Schwenter. We enjoyed a refreshing cup of tea and sat down to chat. David was born in 1941 in New York…

Off The Record

EMERGING SCANDAL, with more fairly prominent Mendocino-area people also about to be rounded up. Arrested last week by a task force raid team led by the DEA but including U.S. Marshals and back-up from the…

Valley People

EARTHQUAKE TREMOR this morning, Tuesday the 13th, rolled Boonville at 5:40am the US Geological Survey said the jolt measured 3.4 on the Richter Scale and was centered about nine miles southeast of Ukiah and nine…

Off The Record

DONALD R. NELSON, a lifelong resident of the Mendocino Coast, passed away early in the morning of November 6, at home in the care of loved ones. He was a timber faller for over twenty…
