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Posts tagged as “local”

Cowboys Forever, At Least In Covelo

While visiting Willits for Thanksgiving, on Black Friday I dropped into its elegant feed store/pet store/tack shop/ranchwear and coffee shop, J.D. Redhouse & Co., in the middle of town on the highway. I was looking…

Mendocino ‘Magic’

Driving up Highway 101, late 1970s, hitchhikers at regular intervals and when they saw my VW van they would start jumping up and down with anticipation of a ride. I picked up one of the less deranged-looking guys and we had a nice chat as we entered Humboldt and the redwoods.

That’s Entertainment!

In reading the Anderson Valley Advertiser, I am amazed by the wealth of entertainment and dining one finds in the valley today. Concerts at Lauren’s. Concerts at the Navarro Store. The Anderson Valley Film Festival.…

Road Notes: North For The Winter Redux

Early morning, a donut shop in Ukiah. I half-stumble from my room at Motel 6, hoping a large coffee will set my internal latitude and longitude back to coordinated. It helps. In the donut shop…

Looking Back, Part 7

My third grade year in Boonville was by far the most memorable of all three of the years that I lived there with my family, due, in large part, to my teacher, Miss Donna Wright.…

Save Our Fair

The Mendocino County Fair, aka The Boonville Fair, is on the ropes, running on fumes, life support, dying. Choose your favorite mortality metaphor. It applies. The Fair's annual state subsidy of about $215,000 has been…

Mendo Veterans At War

Stacey Cryer was wearing her psychic flak jacket as the Supervisors met to discuss the use of the County’s veterans facilities on November 6. Ms. Cryer, the amenable director of Mendocino County's Health and Human…

Off The Record

BONES ROADHOUSE in Gualala is the South Coast's most popular restaurant. Bones has been the South Coast's most popular restaurant for a long time. Its proprietors, Tom and Mary Thomas, besides employing people in an…

Valley People

THE ALARMING NEWS that we could lose our Boonville-based County Fair has us all thinking about strategies to make up the lost state subsidy, an amount of some $200,000 a year. Our first thought was…
