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Posts tagged as “local”

The Angriest Pedestrian Ever, Take Two

The Glenn Hughes murder trial got underway last Thursday with the jury being sworn in at 10am. After about 20 minutes of jury instructions read by the Honorable Ann Moorman, presiding, Deputy DA Matthew Hubley…

The iPhone As Weapon

Mendocino County and Humboldt County have a lot in common. In fact, Anderson Valley and Southern Humboldt, demographically speaking, are twinsies in many ways, except Anderson Valley has more rich people. But there is one…

The Warbler & The Willits Bypass

The Warbler, a charming and hard-working 24-year-old goat and vegetable farmer who lives in the Willits Valley, scaled a large ponderosa pine tree in the Bypass Southern Interchange area in the wee morning hours of January 28th in an effort to block sawing of the trees.

From Grapes To Wine, Part 2

This trip back to the Anderson Valley of my youth, from the late 1950s to the late 1980s, began with a review of the region’s grape and wine industry before and during my earliest days…

Bird’s Eye View

  Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Let’s get straight into the Public Service Announcements (PSAs). Calendars and pens at the ready. #673. The Vets from Mendocino Animal…

Race Relations

I recently reread my (apparently original) paperback copy of Helen Doss’s book, The Family Nobody Wanted (1954, New York: Scholastic Book Services), the last half of which is set in Boonville in the early 1950’s,…

Off The Record

DA EYSTER probably already knows that lots of people want him to prosecute crimes against animals, which he has not yet done, but he may not know the extent of the anger at major instances…

Valley People

JIM LEVINE has died at age 73. The highly regarded South Coast resident was well-known in Mendocino County (and the Anderson Valley) for his years of work with various County non-profits. A memorial service will…

Prisoners Of The Vines

When grapes were grown to make vino ordinaire for regular people to drink with dinner, the vine rows were typically seven or eight feet apart for easy access with a conventional everyday tractor for inspection,…
