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Posts tagged as “local”

The Angriest Pedestrian Ever

It was the 911 tape that burned Glenn Hughes at his preliminary hearing last year. It also seared everyone in court that day who heard it. A man was being beaten to death as the…

A Foster Father & A Baby’s Death

While authorities still aren't saying much about the violent death of a 5-month-old baby girl in Fort Bragg, details have come to light about the events that led up to the December tragedy. Wilson L.…

River Views

January 16th marks 225 years since Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment…

The Goldeneye Diaries

I can’t believe how cool the working environment has been this harvest. It seems like all of our twisted personalities are not only welcomed but encouraged to take things to a more exaggerated level. Danny…

Cow Mountain

What is called the Cow Mountain area is roughly from Scotts Valley in Lake County to the mountains east of the Ukiah Valley and from Blue lakes on the north to the Hopland-Lakeport highway on…

Anderson Valley Foodshed News

This is a reminder that our Farmers and Eaters Roundtable will be this Thursday January 17 at the AV Senior/Community Center at the southern end of Boonville. The program for the evening is as follows:…

Off The Record

CORRECTION: In last week's excellent account of the KZYX board meeting by Sheila Dawn Tracy, it was our editorial error that stated board minutes had been prepared by station manager John Coate. The minutes were…

Valley People

THERESA AVILA has been squatting at the Navarro Store for months, but she rightly points out that she's not homeless, she's landless. The poor thing isn't alone in being landless, but that's hardly consoling to…

The Insanity Of The Willits Bypass

As with so many places in the American West that have been struck by the flash-flood of capitalist development since the mid-19th century, that which is most absent from the contemporary landscape of Little Lake…
