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Posts tagged as “local”

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. With so much happening over the next week or two around these parts, particularly for Memorial Day weekend, it would be very…

Off The Record

THE MENDOCINO Major Crimes Task Force, led by the legendary Peter Hoyle, was busy in Point Arena this week. Seems that someone with the initials P.R., living on Schooner Gulch Road South of Point Arena,…

Valley People

WE'VE BEEN HOUNDING Deputy Squires to submit to a debrief in the form of an interview, but the Deputy says No. We had a title all ready to go: “A Great Cop Hangs Up His…

Dispatch From 70 Feet Up A Valley Oak

On May 14th, I ascended roughly 70 feet into a 100-foot tall valley oak that stands in the path of the California Department of Transportation's proposed six-mile freeway (“The Willits Bypass”) through Little Lake Valley.…

The Battle For Carrie Hamburg’s Remains

Sheriff Allman confirmed late Monday afternoon that an investigation by the Sheriff's office is underway to determine if Carrie Hamburg, the late wife of 5th District supervisor Dan Hamburg, was illegally buried on the Hamburg…

Three Nons & Water Wars

Sheriff Allman appeared before the Board of Supervisors last Tuesday to explain why it is expected to cost $150,000 to paint the inside of the jail. First up was General Services Director Kristin McMenomey. McMenomey:…

Mendo Broadband Denied

Supervisor Hamburg last Tuesday told his Board colleagues about a Friday, May 17 meeting in Fort Bragg to discuss internet broadband service in the county. “The focus will be broadband planning in the city of…

Dead Man Walking

Four thieves went to prison last week. The first thief, Fernando Joaquin, got two years and eight months; the second thief, Dustin Cook, got four years; the next thief, Alfred Dominiak, got eight years and…

Pinot Revel Redux

You can almost hear the squeal of them flatlander Lexus tires coming down Yorkville way, headed for Saturday’s Anderson Valley Pinot Noir Festival. If last year’s event raised the bar with a sold out Grand…
