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Posts tagged as “local”

In Loving Memory Of Henry Hill

The first thing I saw when I arrived at Henry Hill’s memorial was a live pink poodle on a leash with a pink haired lady in a pink satin blouse on the other end (Jonesy).…

Off The Record

KGO TV ran a major feature story about the folly of the Willits bypass on their evening news Friday night. Bypass opponents are thrilled by the blunt tone of the high-profile report which made the…

Valley People

THE GOOD NEWS. Years of barn sales and crab feeds have gotten the dedicated parishoners of St. Elizabeth Seton's Catholic Church to the design stage of their new church off Anderson Valley Way. Jerry Cox…

You Call This A Defense?

The Public Defender’s Office in this county doesn't do much to earn their nice salaries. A recent letter in the AVA from a man at the jail complained at length about how lazy the County-paid…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. Well, good readers, it’s good to be back from the “real world”! Following my mysterious disappearance (that I could not possibly give any…

Anderson Valley Community Farm

It has been two years since I moved to Boonville to begin a farming project on Burt Cohen’s original 50-acre Boont Berry Farm property at the edge of town. My project is now called Anderson…

The Ageability Of AV Pinot

“I wish I could be a cheerleader for this,” Jim Klein of Navarro warned me about the ageability of Anderson Valley Pinot Noir, “but things get old. Nobody wants to see 80 year olds go…

Clarifications & Explanations

John Sakowicz, omni-interested citizen in a county where few people pay close attention to purely local matters, posed an interesting question at the April 23 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Sakowicz's query came after…

Lost In 11360 Land

Stanley Scott almost went to trial on Monday for transportation of marijuana, a violation of section 11360 of the Health & Safety Code. The previous Friday Scott had tried to get the evidence against him…
