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Posts tagged as “local”

Valley People

NO DETAILS as we went to press Tuesday, but a female pedestrian was struck by a car in downtown Boonville about 10am. She was taken by ambulance to Ukiah. SAVE THE DATE! The Hendy Woods…

The Bogus Investigation Of Officer Guydan

  The Fort Bragg Police Department has conducted a bogus investigation in response to formal complaints filed against Officer Craig Guydan; a whitewash investigation that could be interpreted as a cover-up. That’s the headline, here’s…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Before we get into the ‘meat and carrion’ of the column, may I just remind you once again of a key guideline…

No County For Old Men

Fifty years ago you put hands on Harold Moore at your peril. The old guy still has the Popeye forearms of a working man, but he's 80 years old, a law abiding senior citizen who…

Mashup At The Fairgrounds

The Boonville fairground's biggest annual event returns this weekend - the Sierra Nevada World Music Festival, starting Friday evening and running through Sunday night. The festival draws attendees of all ages from around the country…

Off The Record

HAMBURG CLAIMS DAMAGES FROM THE COUNTY Dan Hamburg's Claim Against Mendocino County [Attorney Barry Vogel's Letterhead] May 28, 2013 To: Thomas Parker, Mendocino County Counsel Re: Claim Against Mendocino County. Failure to issue a death…

Valley People

RAUL MALFAVON, 21, of Ray's Road, Philo, was found dead Thursday morning about 6. Malfavon, an unmarried single man who reportedly lived with his sister, is presumed to have hanged himself. MICHELLE HUTCHINS, current Superintendent…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. A great sadness descended over many folks in the Valley last week with the tragic news of the death of 21-year old Raul…

Petit Teton

There was no plan, well, no real plan, when we bought land in the Anderson Valley. We didn’t “plan” to be farmers, to manage a small business, to have our family working with us, to go to market every week, to hire people, to build a kitchen. The reasons for the move were vague — the backyard in SF was small, my parents had recently died and left me some money, I became fascinated by the concepts of permaculture after I signed up for a CSA, and I had met Steve on a High Sierra backpack several years prior and we wanted to create something together that kept us outdoors and active.
