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Posts tagged as “local”

Once A Lawyer, Now A Tree Sitter

Tanya Ridino ran the Mendocino County Courthouse Self-Help Center for five years. Last week, she scaled a valley oak that CalTrans intends to cut to build the Willits Bypass

Privatizing Mendo’s Mental Health

Mental health services in Mendocino County are at best very limited and underfunded, and several high-profile examples of inadequate responses have come to light in recent months and years. The question — or more accurately…

‘The Slung-Shot’ / Rope-Lock

Craig Barnett of Fort Bragg was on his way to check in with his probation officer and stopped at a second-hand store where one can often find a good deal on any number of useful…

Small Scale House Building

Old-timers remember Malvina Reynolds's satiric song, "Little Boxes." Penned in 1962, the song heralded the coming suburban blight, where poorly constructed houses "were made of ticky-tacky and they all looked the same." How times change.…

Off The Record

THE HAMBURG BURIAL SAGA CONTINUES. If you came in late, the Hamburg family buried the late Carrie Hamburg on the family's 46 acre home site southwest of Ukiah. Mendocino County's Department of Health did not,…

Rod & Gun

During my years in Anderson Valley, which began in the late 1950s and continued to the late 1980s, the most popular local outdoor recreation was fishing and hunting. Camping and backpacking were my primary outdoor…

Valley People

JESSICA CEJA is a student at Anderson Valley High School where the school's Junior Prom was held last Saturday night.  Jessica, a gregarious girl popular with her classmates, had previously bought a single ticket to…

How CalTrans Sold The Willits Bypass

A few weeks ago, Julia French released a concise, well-crafted video called “How CalTrans Sold the Willits Bypass” that focuses on the ways in which the project is based from top to bottom on misinformation.

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. It’s going to get very warm. I could be wrong of course, and my weather guru Dave Gowan is no longer around…
