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Posts tagged as “essays”

Potter Valley Project As We Know It Is Dead

PG&E is getting rid of its obsolete, dangerous and expensive Potter Valley Project on the Eel River. PG&E has declined to re-license the project with…


If given the choice of books or the internet I would choose books with no hesitation. (No, kindle or e-books aren't books.) The internet could…

Life in Ukiah

Suddenly there are so many big projects imminent locally that will forever affect life in Ukiah, and not for the better. After languishing on the…

Slippery Slope

Ithaca, New York — Snowflakes had been falling two weeks ago, but Wednesday brought blue skies and temperatures in the 80s to Upstate New York. Classes…

We Never Said Goodbye

It’s often said they come in threes, and maybe we only note the coincidence when a third one arrives, often unexpected and always unwanted. In…

QAnon at the Border

The photo was inked so dark in the print edition it was easy to miss the slogan emblazoned on a flag off to the right.…

Tom Robbins’ Graduation Speech

When I was the editor of the newspaper in Oak Harbor nearly 40 years ago, I was given a copy of a commencement address by…

China Doubles Down on Zero-COVID Policy

The lockdown of Shanghai’s 25 million residents enters its 7th week of what was initially promised to be less than 7 days.   This is…

Rough Justice

Though there’s not much agreement between rednecks and libs these days, there’s one foundational issue that nearly everyone seems to agree on: U.S. Senate confirmation…
