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Posts published in December 2024
The crash of the Democratic Party has hit home – literally. We’re all reluctant liberal Democrats in our family since Bernie lost his presidential nomination by a whisker to Hillary Clinton. Here in the Bay…
Another Anniversary of Jim Jones' mass murder of his black parishioners in Guyana was recorded on November 8th, but if it was noted anywhere I didn't see it. Usually the grisly event is squeezed by…
Clearing | Roy Search | Corner Building | Weird Experience | Reentry Program | Local Events | $12 Million | Solvent Jane | Little Parasols | Seeking Volunteers | Gone Bad | Private Club | AV Elderhome | Save Pillsbury | Mystery Buyer | Help Monarchs | Ed Notes | Noyo Carine's | Dr. Ross | Drill Team | Yesterday's Catch | No Adults | Local Paper | Serious Business | Dangerous Trees | Worst Waiter | Falafel Flood | Ross MacDonald | Plane Lights | Delta Opposition | Stone Age | Postmodern | Serenity Prayer | Corn Syrup | 1941 Refrigerators | Woke Art | McDelivery | Drone Theories | Kick Ass | Lead Stories | Species Disgust | Media Ethics | Military Expenditures | Heaven Corny | Nirvana | Kick
There has never been, and never will be a vote among local residents on A) the need for a new courthouse in Ukiah, or B) Merits of the courthouse design, if based only on drawings…
The hitchhiker was at the Boonville exit on 101. It was about noon. As I passed her she clasped her hands in mock prayer and shot me desperate eyeballs that pleaded with me to please,…
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