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Posts published in “Day: June 25, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday 6/25/24

Assange Free | Starflower | High Clouds | Ukiah Carjacking | Community Lunch | No Comment | Local Events | Ukiah Softballers | Scharffenberger Hiring | County Audit | Safety Dispatcher | Against Re-Interpretation | International Art | Skatepark Update | Ed Notes | Music Festival | Killing Rats | Yesterday's Catch | Sidewalk Ends | Cloverdale Expansion | Mt Tam | Fantasyland | Embrace | It's Torn | Depression Graph | Birmingham 1967 | Gun Safety | Beating Trump | Beauty Contest | Sexual Gatekeepers | Republic | Cactus | Supreme Cases | Tough Guy | Our Quandary | Bad Actors | Hug | NYT Stories | Comanche Empire | Cultural Zionism | Brook Trout | Despair Song | After Rain

Letters 6/25/24

It is becoming obvious we are all simply spectators in the social experiment which is playing out in California. Over the past several years residents of our state have continued to suffer from the effects of Proposition 47…

Nursing Home Visit

I was walking down the long hall at my mother’s nursing home when I heard a bright cheery “Hi!” behind me. I turned around and…
