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Posts published in May 2024

Mendocino County Today: Friday 5/17/24

Cooling | Palace Corner | Filed PRA | Palace Intrigue | Patti Guarachi | Remembering Carolyn | AVUSD News | Agenda Notes | Antle/Angle | Highway Trim | Public Health | BHAB Meeting | Ed Notes | Fog Bank | Chapman Arraigned | Sweet Irony | Wanda Lee Brewer | Cyber AVA | Garden Beds | Truckin' | Garden Walks | Peg Leg | Book Sale | Beacon Light | Local Hermits | Soda Fountain | Yesterday's Catch | Little Leaguers | Social Security | iAddict | Delta Tunnel | Cruel World | Helping Others | Jimi Tats | Esther Shorts | Lunch Exam | Rest Disparity | Never Worked | NYC Past | Picasso 1955 | Some Attention | Struck Out | Catholic Pride | Debate Requests | Operation Rafah | William Burroughs | Dehumanizing Palestinians | Prairie Sky

Announcements (May 17, 2024)

AV UNIFIED NEWS: A WIN FOR WYNNE Dear Anderson Valley Community, Another week of school zooms by and the warmer weather certainly is reminding us…

Take A Free Ride On The Smart Train

As of April 1st 2024 the Smart Train (Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit) that runs from near the Santa Rosa Airport in Sonoma County to…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday 5/16/24

Cooling | Gloria Abbott | Boil Water | Eigenman Gathering | Biker Weekend | Fire Season | Department Merger | Mosplaining | Polypody Ferns | BOS Legacy | Hospital Meeting | Impact Report | Ed Notes | Dewdrops | Eysters Eyes | Coast Clownin | Unhinged Individual | Horsetail Fern | Crooked City | Yesterday's Catch | Early Pride | Huffman Beseiged | Lego Cops | Lasagna Love | Humboldt Investigation | Years Later | Water Issues | Laziest Boy | AI Journalism | Casette Surgery | Anti-Tax Measure | Like Cohen | Debatable Decision | Hellbound | Left-Handed Wrench | Stay Gone | Drawing Comparisons | Sam Tears | Genocidal Policy | Capone Kitchen | AR-15 | Joe Brady | Chain Bull

Ukiah City Manager Cuts Off Palace Hotel Discussion

City Manager Sage Sangiacomo cut off public discussion at a City Council meeting on Wednesday night about a highly anticipated permit application that will determine…

Letters (May 16, 2024)

I just watched the BOS supervisors meeting today and I must say, I am appalled by how item 4i was handled.…

Cops On Campus Are The Real Outside Agitators

Nothing agitates a campus as dramatically as the arrival of the cops. Indeed, the cops have been the only real outside agitators on campuses across…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday 5/15/24

Hot Interior | Navarro River | Julie Radio | Boil Water | Reckless Driver | Noyo Seating | STD Cases | Paula Earthworks | P-fraid | PalestineMobile | Ed Notes | SNWMF 2024 | Live Theater | Boonthrill | Bottom-Liner Retired | Former Niner | Yesterday's Catch | Landline Win | Book Event | Remembering Neeli | November Election | Got Nothin' | Fair Play | Clark & Hattie | Marathon Swim | Pelican Sunset | Many Stoners | The Sixties | Here Together | Oregon or Bust | Taking Punches | Head Story | UCLA Solidarity | Chopping Block | Hottest Summer | Nuclear Tourists | Artificial Stupidity | Chicken Ladder | Beautiful Place | Cradle to Grave

Expanding Behavioral Health Care

Recent changes to California state law are allowing community health centers to expand behavioral health care so we can meet the growing demand for services.…
