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Posts published in “Day: April 15, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Monday 4/15/24

Clearing | Angel Missing | Ed Notes | GRT Views | Mosswood & Farmhouse | Comptche Woods | Edmundson Photos | Bridge Opening | Mission Accomplished | Ode to Blanche | Slaughter Yard | Elect Galletti | North Carolina | Yesterday's Catch | Armageddon Update | Say Anything | Other Side | A Joke | Approval Ratings | NPR Uproar | Clearly Unfit | Skirt Check | Lulu Dare | Guru U | Mary Fields | Dog Show | Goony Birds

May Day

In 1969, journalists Andrew Kopkind and James Ridgeway started a Washington-based biweekly newsletter called Mayday. They were soon enjoined by lawyers representing a publication of that name devoted to safe boating.  (“M’aidez” in French means…

Eradication & Cultivation

The title probably caught your eye thinking this would be a great story about Cannabis!! Haha. This is actually a perspective on the eradication of outdated ideas about mental illness, addiction & homelessness and the…

The Christening of the MV Mendocino [September 2001]

Things were about as exciting as they get in Mendoland on Friday, July 20th, 2001, when the MV Mendocino was officially christened at Noyo Harbor in Fort Bragg. A band played, people cheered, Mendo poobahs…
