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Posts published in “Day: April 10, 2024

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday 4/10/24

Warm | Bill Bradd | Wild Iris | Skatepark Scuffle | Ukiah Hills | Semi Standstill | Campground Open | Weather Whiplash | Track Plans | Groundwater Study | Fugitive Caught | Benefit Concert | County Notes | Tulip Tree | Floodgate Market | Earth Day | Death Cafe | Ed Notes | Mistletoe Eclipse | Whites Wait | Usual Ablutions | Gualala Supermarket | Save Print | SNWMF 2024 | Who's Crazy | Yesterday's Catch | No Help | Right Cocktail | PG&Egregious | Balsa Glider | Bad Proposal | Laffing Sal | Author Serra | Dishwashing | Bill Killers | Thinking Old | Vote RFK | Aged Advice | Hard Rain | Killing Truth | NPR Lost | Need Gun | Orwell Island | Hellbound

The Tyler Neil Celebration of Life

The Apple Hall at the Fairgrounds was beautiful: long runners decked with fresh flowers on every table, carefully assembled themed displays, hundreds of photos of Tyler living life to the fullest with his young family.…

Palace Hotel Declared Structurally Sound Only Six Years Ago

For decades “tear it down” has been a popular local mantra surrounding the Palace Hotel, Ukiah's most significant historic landmark.  Community naysayers say it is time to level the 19th-century structure, listed on the National…
