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Posts published in January 2024

County Notes: The Cubbison Papers, No Smoking Gun

But maybe some gunshot residue… We submitted our Public Records Act request for information related to the suspension of former Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector Chamise Cubbison back…

New Year’s Resolutions, Lies & Excuses

Now’s the time of year we bore readers with New Year Resolutions, in which talent-free columnists promise to lose weight, learn a foreign language, volunteer…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024

Rainy Day | Pink Clouds | Rainfall Totals | Gray Clouds | Ed Notes | Laytonville Geiger's | AV Newsletter | Exit Date | Starbucks Skirmish | Free Meal | Spansule | High Noon | Camp Fun | 1938 Wedding | Yesterday's Catch | Scotia Ferry | Country Concept | Hip Replacement | S.A.D. | Electricity Explained | Something Big | Scariest Part | War Party | Arizona Mining | Perfect Offering | Dragon Kite

Counting Lumber Mills & Logging Railroads

With the local timber industry ever waning in Mendocino County it’s educational to look back and see what a role logging railroads and lumber mills…

San Francisco During The War [1949]

World War II hit Baghdad by the Bay like a ton of block busters. Overnight the self-contained, self-satisfied city whose population had stood absolutely still…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Jan. 1, 2024

Dry Day | Rainbow | Earthquakes | Ukiah Stabbing | Donna J | Valley Deaths | Boomer Jack | Mail Theft | Whitmore Building | Creative Writing | MCHCD Credibility | Toast | Mendo Beavers | Westport Landing | Ed Notes | Deathness | CSD Meeting | 2024 | Historic Equipment | Yesterday's Catch | Bar Joke | Computer Tip | PG&E Rates | Miss Beatniks | Roosevelt Search | Water Graphed | Wine Troubleshooting | Not Intelligent | Top Seed | Carlisle Indians | Pointless | Order/Species | Nature-Loving Advisory | Hillbilly Scientology | Hafez Sez | Spinning Fast | 55 Party | Resolutions | Troubles

The Future Of Shoes: Cheap & Ugly

I have seen the future of footgear, and its name is Hey Dude.  Despite the improbable brand label, Hey Dude shoes will soon sweep the…

Hardy’s Christmas Ghost

Thomas Hardy’s poem ‘A Christmas Ghost-Story’ was published in the England’s Westminster Gazette in December 1899, two months after the start of the Second Anglo-Boer…
