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Posts published in December 2023

Cubbison Demands Job Back

A newly filed court writ seeks the immediate reinstatement of suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison, and payment of all lost pay and benefits since…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Dec. 17, 2023

Public Funds | Sunset | Showers | Gaza Rally | Candidate Forum | AVUSD News | Holiday Party | Devil's Punchbowl | Measure Betrayed | Geraldine Rose | Lady Panthers | Haschak Report | Pet Jewel | Shattuck Campaign | Crab Feed | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Yuletide Advice | Dream Job | Marco Radio | Purdy Surprised | Grim Season | Herb Caen | Bold | Home Christmas | GOPcare | Supreme Contempt | Backless | Fistula | Think Tank | Shortest Day | Home Mechanic | Ubiquitous BS | Laundry | Started It | Killing Civilians | Not Us | Israel's Boy | Garden Court

Growing Weed In Boonville Around 1982

Frank grew up in Chicago and came from a (surprisingly common) wacky family full of big success and big hypocrisy and personal failure. His grandfather…

Ghosts At The Gate

Like no other people before us, we live with the songs of the dead. In the car or at home, walking or e-biking, in the…

Sunday Punchdrunk [January, 1988]

Being a fun-loving San Franciscan (redundant) I play a lot of games in this hallowed space—self cancelling phrases (working press). Namepheraks (Fran and Bill Flesher…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Dec. 16, 2023

Warm | Zen Den | Dusky Sky | Ukiah Construction | Shattuck Signs | Holcomb 90 | AVCSD Items | Moon Honey | Ed Notes | Senior Center | Messiah Singalong | Hemp Disconnected | Holiday Competition | Caspar Creek | Humane Society | Yesterday's Catch | Suspiciously Silent | Why Drink | Left Foot | Big Morning | Texas Posse | Dishonorable Advertisers | Xmas Pizza | Marco Radio | Hearing Voices | John Brown | It's Murder | Israel Meditation | Santa Visit | Mr Christian | Resistance | MEF Newsletter | First Day | Digital Currency | US Immigration | Bibi Sharon | Mary Brooksbank | Gaza Opportunists | Roller Coaster | Unilateral Sanity | Ho Ho Ho | Broken System | Xmas Presents | Stephanie's Walk | 1955 Body

Valley People (December 16, 2023)

FRIENDS OF GERALDINE ROSE: It is with a sad heart that I share with you that Geraldine has passed away. She had been receiving Hospice…

Decades: Can’t Live With Or Without Them

I’ve been writing about the Sixties again recently and have been finding that there’s always more to be said about that era that’s usually linked…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec. 15, 2023

Mild | Noyo Span | Cubbison Case | Scowl Bros | Slow Down | AV Students | Holiday Spirit | Breach Effects | Pudding Sky | Fort Bragg News | Schwinghammer Sentenced | Ocean Beach | County Notes | Local Shopping | Boonville Hotel | Ed Notes | Skatepark Swag | Book Juggler | Ivy Hill | Local Radio | Burn Calories | Marco Volunteers | Santa Trouble | Killed Hippie | Jimi 1967 | Kelley Restoration | Yesterday's Catch | SF Concern | Flying Saucers | Decider | Mobley Vision | Bear Bites | Bad Camper | Water Wars | Terrifying Fact | WaPo Spin | Emergency Test | Funding War | Royal Dunce | Genocide Joe | Smite Am'alek | Call Joe | UN Vote
