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Posts published in March 2023

Bacharach: ‘Where’d It Go?’

The lyricist and composer Sammy Cahn once quipped that Burt Bacharach “was the only songwriter who didn’t look like a dentist.” Many, indeed millions, were similarly bewitched by the looks of this greatest song-master of…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, March 11, 2023

Wet Ahead | Woody Glen | AVUSD News | Greenwood Potluck | Boonville Water | Celebrating Sally | Ecstatic Dance | Charging Stations | Vocal Ensemble | Ted Disappointing | Tire Dump | Fox Mendo | County Notes | Silent DA | New Chief | Bank Stock | Ed Notes | Film Tricks | Nevedal Questions | 1865 Bridge | SNWMF Lineup | Earthworks | Snowbound | Yesterday's Catch | School Violence | Nouveau Poor | Ukiah Drifter | Woodstove | Flood Risk | Social Science | Chronicle Decline | Cross Jesus | Marco Radio | Purdy Repair | Basement Wish | Dems Lost | Guv Drag | Inverted Reality | Black Thoughts | Strong Enough | Ukraine | Art Appreciation | Sy & Dan | Snowy Owl

The Tragedy of Attica

The Temporary Inmate “Charles Pernasilice, Haunted by the Violence at Attica, Dies at 70,” said the hed above a photo of a lanky, handsome young man standing outside a municipal building with his right fist in…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, March 10, 2023

Break Today | Road Clearing | Manzanita Closing | Whale Walks | Bragg Busts | Lake Mendocino | Mendo Added | Incubation | Damage Survey | Grange Breakfast | GJ Awareness | Crab Feed | Name Changers | YesterSnow | Warming Center | Egg Hunt | Volunteer Training | Variety Show | Science Fair | Winemaker Wuethrich | Resurrect Rail | Yesterday's Catch | Hay Drop | Mostess | Drug Dealers | Time Flies | Good Show | Unhousing Unhoused | Adventure Gals | Deadman Hiking | Fairyland | Panther Poster | Public Trust | Constructive Criticism | Sideways Story | Journalism | Rowling Feelings | New M&M | Israel Denial | Tree Trunk | Taibbi Statement | Biden Budget | Ukraine | Canned Goods | FBI Bumbling | Turkey Vulture

Yorkville Snowmageddon 2023

On Thursday February 23rd around 5:00 I was driving home from a job off Peachland Road in Boonville. It was very cold and raining but I knew that home in Yorkville at a higher elevation,…

Thank You, Richie!

Richie Henderson, an iconic Ukiah native son, is having his 15 minutes of fame. Richie’s sweet face is emblazoned on a big billboard along the northbound lanes of Highway 101, garnering the attention of locals…
