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Posts published in November 2022

From Joy To Pain And Back Again

Life and death on Oct. 26: How one day turned great joy into great pain, then great pain into great joy. Carolyn In 1965, 20-year-old Carolyn was traveling with friends in Germany when she met…

Another Kind of ‘Arkie’: Bill Holcomb, Rule, Texas

Bill Holcomb regularly joins the Valley elite’s morning meeting at Mosswood downtown Boonville for coffee and discussion of local and world affairs. Friday a week ago I met Bill there around 9 AM, too chilly…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022

Clear Cold | Art Tour | Sandbar Holds | Caltrans Rescue | Autumn Grape | AV Events | Taco Tip | Turkey Challenge | Highway Fatalities | Promoting Bragg | Spot Wanted | Pet Sawyer | Embezzlement Bureau | Chandelier Tree | Electric Truck | Log Hauler | Marco Radio | Frank Mathison | Milo Guido | In Harper's | Yesterday's Catch | Kwan Tai | Metamorphosis | Funny Criminals | Jack Shot | Short Visit | Virinda Longmire | Queen Bees | Write Up | What Is | Blatant Corruption | Mt. Shasta | Jack Dempsey | Jealous God | Gas Pumps | Counting Votes | Little Sailor | Hummingbirds | Earthworms | Ukraine | Shock Troops | General Diplomacy | Gassed | Wanker Mag | Bunny Hop


I'm trying to figure out why my neighbors are still driving fast on the little country road just outside my house despite my signs, and I refuse to believe that they are being intentionally rude.…

Autumn in New York: On the Finger Lakes Trail

Ithaca, New York — After spending three weeks in Seattle, smoke-choked from the Bolt Creek Fire burning north of the city, I returned to Upstate New York. Here the skies were blue and the foliage…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Nov. 12, 2022

Light Showers | Studios Tour | Counting Ballots | Laytonville Saloon | Swamped Office | Heron | Needs Housing | Kelseyville Main | New Clinic | Autumn Color | Medicare Decisions | Kelsey Hotel | Shul Vandalized | Art Fair | County Notes | General Fare | Acosta Pleads | Hitchers | Looming Bankruptcy | MCBG in NYT | Community Foundation | Yesterday's Catch | Less Droughty | Bernice Bing | Apple Bears | Marco Radio | Young Marines | Trump Wonder | Nothing Still | Hornswoggled | Concert Trash | Current DNC | Powerball Winner | Little Effect | Chuck Wepner | Say Okay | Prop 30 | Kamchatka Bears | Ukraine | Anubis

A Canceled Backcourt

The first knock on Kyrie Irving’s sanity came a few years ago when he told an interviewer that he, personally, had no reason to be certain that the earth was round. It looked flat to…
