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Posts published in September 2022

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022

Abundant Sunshine | Covid Vaccines | Whitesboro Breakfast | Roy Blosser | School Update | Alhambra Hotel | Fentanyl Project | Joanne Stephens | Mob Controversy | Nolan's Groceries | Trail Money | Theater Trip | Miriam Cooper | Permit Delays | Freezer Loaned | EV Fuel | Teen Arsons | Tomato Preserve | Ed Notes | Alice Porterfield | L&R Farm | Pomo Artists | Albion Farms | Feeding Hummers | ALRFPD Presentations | Headlands Inn | Pig Bill | Lawsons Flyer | Left Authors | Yesterday's Catch | Small TV | Volvo Seatbelt | Yes 26/27 | Street Market | Marco Radio | Gate Agent | Miners | Gov List | Found | Cafe Lizards | Odessa 88 | Dave Foreman | Migrant Family | Ukraine | Kitchen Staff | Russian Restraint | Bob & Mike | Total War | This Week | Sombrero Galaxy

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Sept. 23, 2022

Fair Weather | Fresh Albacore | Mushroom Class | Trevor Gunby | Pomo Rancheria | Fair Anticipation | Weekend Schedule | Grassroots Institute | Equinox Sunset | Unity Club | Greenwood Millpond | Murray Case | Mendo 1975 | Ed Notes | Harvest Time | Bower Park | Yesterday's Catch | Oberg Film | Tomato | Toxic Brew | Hare | Fish Kill | Jack Dempsey | Dave Foreman | Coffees | Lincoln Duel | Country Squire | Bike Thief | Shepherd | Putin's Threats | HGscape | Proxy War | Got Greens | Anti-Intervention | Cultural Revolution | Narrative Matrix | Job Dressing

Excised Justice; What Is The Fire Tax?

We are already seeing fallout from the sweetheart plea deal in the case of former Ukiah Police Department Sergeant Kevin Murray orchestrated by Mendocino County…


An Englishman I met on a kibbutz in Israel during the many international travel years of my youth asked me a question I’ve pondered ever…

Outsourcing Ukiah Police Chief Search

During its last regular meeting, the Ukiah City Council approved the hiring of a Placer County firm to assist in the search for a new,…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022

Warming | Moonshine | Woods Buses | Cerfs | Grange Booth | Buckhorn Crew | Wildlife | Mathes Memorial | Candidate Forums | Bragg 1949 | County Notes | Indian Tub | DA Shame | Parkers | Paint Out | Dusty Photographer | Eagles Hall | Halloween Party | Ed Notes | Police Reports | Favorite Books | Random Thoughts | Yesterday's Catch | Lemonade Stand | Smoky Summers | Vol. 26 | Status Quo | No Outlet | Israel Money | Hank & Bob | Coloring Popeye | UFW Bill | Ken Kesey | Farmworker Bill | Kit House | Plekhanov | Rodney & Elvis | Civil Libertarians | SOS | Arms Dealers | Stained Greenhouse | Legacy Media | Spider Got | Ukraine | War Map | Priorities | Big Buddha

County Notes: ‘Get Cubbison’ Effort Flops

THE BIG SHOWDOWN between the Supervisors and Auditor-Tax Collector Chamisse Cubbison devolved into another fizzle Tuesday morning after the feisty Cubbison gave the Board her…

Letters (Sept. 22, 2022)

We are downtown Fort Bragg residents, property owners/renovators, voters, and in general people who care about what shapes this great place to live and work…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022

Interior Showers | Clouds | La Nina | Stars | Winter Outlook | Theo Sieg | Foggy Gomes | Skyhawk Talk | Coast View | Deficit Surprise | Dunsing Brothers | Dentist Denied | Bridge Construction | No Quiz | Skunk Music | Ed Notes | Little Airport | Dumpster Gang | Arena Blues | Bragg Unicorn | Squaw Not | Favorite Books | Mother Pearl's | Fully Conscious | Yesterday's Catch | Amish Way | Bikers | Power Limit | QBs | Royal Farce | Toxic Warning | Polio Specter | Happy Monroe | Corporate Tentacles | Blanche Monnier | Teen Dream | Grass Greener | Class War | Hot Outlet | Satchmo Clipping | Ukraine | Gluten Confusion | Poverty Draft | Wandering Rabbit
