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Posts published in September 2022

What Say, Mr. DA?

Disgraced former Ukiah Police Sgt. Kevin Patrick Murray is home breathing a deep sigh of relief today, thanks to his high-powered team of expensive Santa Rosa defense attorneys and a seemingly lackadaisical prosecution effort by…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022

Warm Nights | Steam Festival | Coastal Cleanup | 1918 Ukiah | Candidates Forum | Bunyan 68 | Wearable Fiber | McNabb Family | Water Attorneys | Adult Supervision | Life Expectancy | Hospice Care | Oldfield Tires | Hospital Prices | Broken Step | UC Tenderloin | Summer Night | Lifetime Projects | Passenger Train | Book Lists | Yesterday's Catch | Dragon | Crow TV | Old Post | Wine Game | Eisenhood's Deli | Raskin Double | Railroad Exchange | Ukiah Dimension | Hybrid Vehicle | First Burn | Not Busy | Burning Rubber | Ice Delivery | Ukraine | City Hall | Soul Hunters | Uncle Irwin | "Unprovoked" | Arthur Rothstein | Special Masters | Brought War | Cooling Off | American Nightmare | Potatoes | Money Lords | Customer Service

County Notes: Housing Hindrances

Supervisor Mulheren (writing on her facebook page): “In the past developers have stated these [school developer] fees are a hindrance to adding additional housing, I haven’t heard from anyone on the subject yet so I…

Letters (Sept. 8, 2022)

No wonder the Republican Party is working to destroy our democracy. They oppose most things Americans want…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2022

Another Scorcher | Loggers | Chilling Station | Glassish Beach | 112° | Prolific Vine | Mayor Brown | McKee Memorial | In Exile | Boont Benefit | Coast Hospital | Ed Notes | Fair Staff | Credit Rating | Anchor Fluke | Scholarship Fundraiser | How Stupid | Police Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Cancer Fundraising | Peace Fair | Dem Zoom | Shreiff Byrnes | PG&E Defeat | Fred Dodge | Fight Back | Bogus Therapist | Just Transition | Shipping Point | Ukraine | Good Spot | War Drag | Liberal Hawks | Small Train | Redneck Army | Burn Exodus | Putin's Failure | Death Listens

Off the Record (Sept. 7, 2022)

MENDO THE MERCIFUL. Former Ukiah Police sergeant, Kevin Murray, 38, was sentenced late Tuesday afternoon to two years probation and jail time. Judge Moorman admonished the hulking, buzz cut defendant that if he violates any…

Polio: Is it Making a Comeback?

In 1988, the World Health Organization resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis; polio for short.  This followed the confirmation that the last case of smallpox was diagnosed in October 1977 and the WHO declared smallpox to be…
