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Posts published in August 2022

Electric Shock

Remember in the not-so-long-ago past when America’s car makers very publicly cried foul over how electric cars would collectively toss them on the trash heap of history, to decompose alongside their horse-drawn buggy-maker predecessors? Today…

One Set Of Books Too Many

By now most folks are probably aware that at the most recent Board of Supervisors meeting on August 2, Board Chairman Ted Williams made what appeared to be an astonishing statement about the County keeping…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, August 18, 2022

Slight Cooling | County Workers | 11 Candidates | Antone Lemos | Skunk Schooled | Blackberry Festival | Mechanics Class | Quong Kids | Haschak Take | Shipwreck Survivors | Yesterday's Comments | Bunyan Returns | Steele Release | Hilda Lyons | Ed Notes | Tippett Statement | Silas Coombs | Elusive Link | Reno Example | Yesterday's Catch | Dead Fish | Jay Frankston | Book Readers | California Lightning | Oakland Camp | Crazy Juice | Freeloading Bums | Hey McCloud | Complicated Geometry | Ukraine | Corinthian Helmets | Sir Trumpalot | The Life

Who’s On First?

A flurry of pronouncements and pontifications garnered headlines this week but brought little clarity to the true state of the County of Mendocino’s finances. Some critics argued the county’s books are a mess, and that…

Who’s On First? Why, Ex-CEO Angelo, Of Course

If you came in late, like lots of people suddenly interested in the County’s budget mess, you might think that Mendo only recently discovered that it can’t find its assets with two finance departments. Last…

Letters (August 18, 2022)

Is it just me? I drove down Franklin Street in Fort Bragg this morning on my way to work and I couldn't help but take note of all the empty storefronts.…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Hot Lightning | Quiz Night | Fungi | County Notes | Tramp Steamer | Clarity Please | Motorcycle Fatality | Buckey Walter | Hendy Hermit | Mendocino City | Ed Notes | Hopkins Anniversary | Mendo Geology | Grayview House | Code Enforcement | Grayhouse Garden | Candidate Tippett | Big River Mill | Library Fiber | Better Link | Forest Skunk | Dump Week | Big River Bridge | Dem Picnic | John Marsan | 4th Dimension | Yesterday's Catch | Airbnb Nuisance | Farmworkers March | Zombie Nation | Pollen | Untie Her | Say What? | Chess Moves | Nazi Collaborator | State Television | Life Leaf | Free Speech
