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Posts published in June 2022

Letters (June 9, 2022)

The BOS is threatening to poison the well for permanently increasing the sales tax support of our libraries.…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Warming | 1927 Kids | Early Results | AVHS Graduation | Handley LZ | Hollywood Hundred | Hendy Zip | Boonville Lot | Tree Work | Reduction/Museum | Lake Levels | Ed Notes | Shrode's Sundries | Supes Shorts | Albion Crew | Water Sharing | Police Reports | Survey Deadline | Yesterday's Catch | Ukraine | Red Dress | Applebees Dinner | Grand Army | Stupid Movie | Introvert Soap | Gun Safety | Kicking Can | Color Lines | 1966 Message | Power/Control | Carrie Nation | Free Speech | Boyle's Crew

Off the Record (June 8, 2022)

REMEMBER the three guys who showed up at Chris Brown’s Albion home in the early morning in December of last year, one of whom shot…

Living Longer and Healthier: Part 3, Blue Zones

The Blue Zones Project is based on the idea that by studying communities in the world that have a disproportionately high percentage of people living…

Valley People (June 8, 2022)

HELP! This sad story goes back some, but if you have any information concerning it, please let us know. Around midnight Saturday, September 13, 2014,…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Warming | Flynn Creek | $10 Gallon | Vote Today | Mendocino Church | Covelo Coal | Housing Action | AV Graduation | Redding Vote | Hobo Highway | Sales Tax | Steam Laundry | Hendy Woods | Free TV | Wine Fine | Bombing Ecofiction | Kalevala Brotherhood | Improv Workshops | Yorkville Flea | Indian Land | Ceramics Studio | Metal Smithing | Yesterday's Catch | Ukraine | Dessert Coffee | Free Speech | Part Ways | Watchtower v Stratton | Elsa Gidlow | Pressure Cooker | Skillet Lickers | Quiet Life | Pointlessly Walking | Corrugated Camper | Chaos Party | D Day | Empire Managers | Boyle's Camp

James Joyce’s Jewish-Irish Epic at 100

Norma Barnacle burned most of the letters she received in 1909 from her lover who signed his name, “Jim.” But she didn’t destroy all of…

Free Sounds of Summer 2022

If you are a music fan on a budget 2022 is definitely going to be your year for summer music. Roaring back from the past…

Last Dance Before the Pandemic

I poured a glass of red wine and drank it as I got ready to go to the Community Park benefit party half a mile…
