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Posts published in June 2022

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 20, 2022

High Pressure | Estuary Green | Shapiro Property | Symphony Concert | School News | Mendo Calves | Food Banking | Library Charges | MCHCD Meeting | Celery Sticks | County Notes | Blacksmith Marsan | Sales Tax | Police Reports | Tats Stupid | Jivan Muktas | Yesterday's Catch | Ukraine | Bus Squats | Corporate Gouging | Lost Cause | Wedding Dress | Lost Soul | Elders Falling | Deschooling Society | Hanging Pence | Put Down | Fishing Boats | Reading Material | Three Choices | Rabbit Ottoson | Witch Season | Heavy Load | Dire Straits | Effie Chan

Three Bus Rides & One Train Ride

At a quiet residential corner, a young man stood on the curb offering his favorite obscene gesture on each hand to all passing vehicles. It's…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 19, 2022

Warming Week | Whitesboro Cove | Noble Downfall | Pet Blizzard | Ford Reveal | Bragg Fourth | County Matters | Pentecost Parade | Ed Notes | Loading Railcars | Redwood Film | Treefellers | LakeCo Letter | AV Events | Hyman Bridge | Sako Ponder | Yesterday's Catch | Videomag 22 | Ukraine | Meanwhile… | Public Loss | Oil Profits | Biden Disaster | Top Zombie | Selfie Advice | Completely Backwards | Unionized Apple | Alice & Elvis | Marine 67 | Cheney Dems | US Priority | Partisan Hearings | Do Withouts | Bagel Beetle | Marco Radio | Biggest Flower | Perpetual Stew | Couple Cuckoos

Hearing the Jan. 6 Hearings

If they stick to their announced schedule, the House of Representatives’ January 6 Committee will hold public “Hearings” seven times. The stated goal is to…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, June 18, 2022

Interior Thunderstorms | Jesus's Body Found | Grange Boogie | Chief Terminated | Coast Walk | FERC Letter | Goatmobile | Noyo Suicide | Lighthouse Tour | Schoolkids | Agenda Notes | Point Cabrillo | Against Tax | Boy & Pup | Abuela Gardens | Yesterday's Catch | Ukraine | Gas Worry | Assange Persecution | First Instance | Bostrodamus | White Shoes | Palme Case | Kremlin Leak | Dem Wax | Ignored Scandal | Gatorland | Tackling Inflation | Kerouac Pilgrimage | Marco Radio | Mod Appliance | Southbound | Nancy Boom | Hinckley Concert | Omsk 62

Our Times: Watergate at 50

I went to see Woodward playing Redford Dustin Hoffman played by Carl Bernstein Martha Mitchell, who really blew the whistle never got mentioned.  She got…

Comic Opera: The Splendid Anachronism

“If you don't like opera, why do you go?” People have been asking me this over the years because of this tendency I have to…
