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Posts published in January 2022

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Jan. 21, 2022

Dry Easterlies | 160 New Cases | 2 More Deaths | Albion 1905 | Omicron Impact | Wise Doctor | Pond Refuge | Native Garden | Releasing Water | Waxy Cap | Redding 5th | 30s Farmhouse | Unsightly Ukiah | Cignition | Succulent Smuggler | Mendocino Woodlands | Crab Feed | Cookhouse Gang | Alyssa Sawdey | Dub Fans | Look Book | 1972 Albums | Ed Notes | Police Reports | Sawmill Windmill | Skunk On | Yesterday's Catch | Conservation Penalties | Pavlov's Cat | Human Stupidity | Sarcasm 101 | Bacon Exhibit | Navarro Hotel | Secret Meetings | Reality Outlawed | Four Aces | Racing Rats | Class War | Biden's Year | Love Duel

Sharing McCowen’s Thoughts On CEO

I’ve never done this before but I’m going to share this space so someone else’s voice can be heard on something I believe is important…

Studies in a Celebrity Culture

Susan B. I once held her in my arms and there she was on the front page of The Times January 10 in an obituary for the…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022

Sunny | 48 Cases | Free Tests | Polypores | AV Events | Rockport Mill | Orchard Prunings | Cameron Family | Toy Show | Circus Wagon | McFadden Story | Hippie Display | Stinky Deal | Office Workers | PG&E Tree | Address Trick | Insurrection Guide | Ed Notes | Big Adventure | Newspaper Demise | Ready? | Covid Strain | Nurse Shortage | Wooden Dog | Mo Report | Everywhere USA | SMART Stuff | Real MLK | Yesterday's Catch | Sears Catalog | Lakeset | International Guard | Odin | LEEP Money | Rare Repub | White Right | Sawmill | Conquering SF | Bigfoot Crossing | NPR Resolutions | Chisholm 72 | Drone Warfare | Illustrated Man | Craig Retires | Auto Court | School Safety | Oak | War Biz | Driftwood

Coast Hospital, Round Three

Think it is time for some clarification. I have seen this posted on Facebook and heard it so many times I started to believe it…

Letters (January 20, 2022)

Many of us early adopters to solar panels put our savings into installing solar panels. We did so for both ecological reasons and because we wanted to stimulate the solar industry....

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022

Warming | 527 New Cases | AVUSD Results | Ukiah Dusk | Free Tests | Alyssa Fund | Waste Staffing | Timber Sales | Beerfest Canceled | Ed Notes | Shelter Dogs | Blood Brother | Hotel Raid | Yesterday's Catch | Niner Mojo | Sanhedrin Dawn | Hazard Tree | Wyatt Earp | Murphy Sources | Einstein & Curie | Totalitarian Regimes | Vax Rates | Broderick Letter | Punk | Boomers Lament | 1880 Mendocino | Sad Day | NATO Clinton | Wolfe Chop | CalAIM | Van Gogh | Get Better | Global Deaths | Rural Hopsitals | Left Update | Poetry Anthology | Garden Secrets

Off the Record (January 19, 2022)

THE TRUE STATE of the County, and the country for that matter, is neatly summed up by this letter from Mr. Eloherry: “Editor: I saw…
