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Posts published in January 2022

Community Outbreak Continues in Mendocino

The number of new COVID cases continues to rapidly rise throughout the county.  This has significantly affected many local businesses, public services, hospitals and schools. …

Valley People (January 19, 2022)

YORKVILLE DELINQUENTS’ big night out. According to the Ukiah Department, on Sunday, January 9, a little after 3pm, officers couldn’t help but notice “two vehicles…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2022

Marine Stratus | 1930 Mendocino | Heater Fire | Night Sky | Bird Story | Favorite Memory | Housing Unit | Brockway Incident | Women's Circle | Energy Independent | Right Time | Ed Notes | Mendo Students | Police Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Fuentemobile | Didion Town | Books Rearranged | Precautionary Measures | Modern Music | American Sunset | $1 Slice | Paradigm Shift | Fauci Doll | Grits Groceries | No Thympathy | Weed Glut | Poor Struggle | Orange Crush | Spiritual Doom | Please Cease | Luthier Matlin

Coast Hospital Crossroads

Recently we delved into the crossroads Mendocino Coast residents are in about the future of healthcare here in this relatively remote portion of Northern California.…

Alone In All Places Alike

“Shall I never again ride over golden hills upon the back of first servant?” the woman whispered into the stillness, her mind whirling around memories…

AV Basketball Cancelled This Week

Dear Anderson Valley Community, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather on this holiday. I have made the difficult decision to cancel basketball practice…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Jan. 17, 2022

Dry Week | Rockport 1899 | Crop Talk | River Crossing | Falling Prices | Raindrops | Deaths Unconnected | Little Lake | Eagles Win | Barn Lines | Niners Survive | Brockway Bit | 100th Anniversary | Ukiah History | Musselwhite Poster | Angelo's Stint | Hedgehog's Home | Hate Speech | Sister Cities | CEO Future | Yesterday's Catch | Serious Trouble | Woodcutter | Armed Neuroscientist | Tattoos | Model Maker | Great Resignation | Navarro 1939 | Galling Reminder | Coast Road | FI$Cal | Barrel Rider | Solar Tariff | Glorious Chaos | Chomping Grounds | Ominous History | Colored Only | MLK Zoom | Jumping Rope | Newsom Silent | Cold Beer | CA Budget | Fifties Memphis | Confrontation

History of the Emerald Cup, Part 2

Once, not long ago, looking behind the Emerald Triangle curtain were thousands of little gardens and mom and pop weed farms outdoors farmers digging in…

Bob ‘Chipmunk’ Glover

Last week’s story about Bob Glover’s participation in local politics incited me to go up to my attic archives and begin reading through the set…
