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Posts published in November 2021

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Nov. 12, 2021

Upper Ridging | Panther Victory | Wendling Store | 162 Reopens | Fallen Soldier | Huckleberry Jam | Civil Warriors | Bair Lair | Pole Cat | Counsel Conflict | Scary Masks | Supes Notes | Little Buddy | Rental Policy | Freedoms | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Baldwin Negligent | Mushroom 1 | Dry Migration | Kamala Schmala | Escape Hell | Forget Nam | Stop DST | TP Scorecard | Speaking Up | Mushroom 2 | Phone Tag | Trumpspeak | Fascist Agenda | Whitewashing History | WW1 Trench | Atlantis

Coast Hospital District Board’s Missing Minutes

Among the issues the Mendocino Coast Healthcare District board dealt with at its Oct. 28 meeting was a long-standing struggle to provide minutes (the written…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021

Warm Clear | 15 Cases | PG&E Faulkner | Arson Offender | Video Magazine | School News | Garden Tour | Panthers Advance | JDSF Resolution | Wood Legacy | Skyhawk Perspective | Pearce Retires | Granny Units | CA Reservoirs | Mendocino Shakedown | Inflation | Ed Notes | Kayaker | Wayne Knight | Engine Room | Art Center | Huntress | Treat Exchange | Bonus Marcher | Bed Sought | Solar Installers | Yesterday's Catch | Rodgers Saga | LA 1935 | Solar Attack | Jonestown Film | Token Penalty | Translating NYT | Cassady Mugshot | Human Tech | Price Rise | Ortega Election | Liberal Plus | Unvaccinated

Red Beard Captured

William Allan ‘Redbeard’ Evers, Mendocino County’s famously elusive fugitive, was arrested last Thursday morning. Often spotted over the nine months he was being sought between…

Quantrill Raiders Attack, 1863

Confederate guerrillas gallop into Lawrence, Kansas.

Letters (November 11, 2021)

A Press Democrat article (Oct. 26) aptly described the multiple issues facing the Potter Valley Project, but I was taken aback by Rep. Jared Huffman’s statement that decommissioning may be a faster and easier way to deal with the project....

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021

Light Showers | 17 Cases | 2 Deaths | Kid Vaccinations | Faulkner Park | Trees & Weed | Turkey Run | CPR Class | Mr Wrong | Open Studios | San Francisco | Ed Notes | Trash Talk | JDSF Management | Treesitter | Yesterday's Catch | Disguise Kit | Celebrating 215 | Rathering | Oregon Bound | Parasite States | Jazz Club | Forgotten Students | Gun Class | Cell Schwarming | Hell Garden | Pete Ports | Firm Views | Comfortably Numb | Billionaires | Fallen Yankees | Manchin Mansion | Hypocrite Obama

Off the Record (November 10, 2021)

A MAJOR STORY this week illustrates why newspapers are still important and how diminished we will be when they disappear into the Meta maw of…
