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Posts published in November 2021

Rippin’ the Rio

Does Oaky Joe Munson care about anything besides his crop? You bet he does. He cares like crazy about his daughter, Millie, and his son,…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Nov. 8, 2021

Wind/Rain | David Taxis | Pancake Breakfasts | Comptche Girl | Panthers Advance | Landlines Out | Gering Bulldogs | Curbing PG$E | Redbeard's Bunky | Karen Knoebber | Annexation Yes | Moto Beaks | Water Politics | Nannie Flood | Half-Baked Mandate | Ed Notes | Longbeard | Moving Experience | Suspicious | Texas Pimp | Pistol Meth | Yesterday's Catch | Forest Preservation | Big Telescope | Winter Prep | Go Slow | Alexa Bust | Not Mays | Smarter Than | Severing Marin | Mushroom | College Courses | Contrarian | Captain Cook | Polypore | COP26 Delegation

Orr Springs History Mysteries

Researching a book on the Orr Hot Springs area I amass more information than I could ever possibly use in what I plan to be…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021

Dry Day | FB Sunset | New Wave | Kids Clinic | Annexation Hearing | Open Studios | Revenue Source | Cameron Light | Vax Signs | Backdoor View | Sheriff v Supes | Wildlife Museum | Trailebrations | Cove | Yosemite 1872 | Ed Notes | Pet Roger | Cabin Survey | Yesterday's Catch | Paleface Logic | Newspaper Parasites | Keep Up | Wish | Old Vegas | Food Class | Profit First | Old Joe | Short Film | Declawing | Marco Radio | Bad News | Staff Reports | Finch Off | Glasgow Protest

Rich People Have Problems, Too

Women tend to resent paying alimony and it can hurt a man’s pride to receive it, according to an October 30 piece in The Times. The…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Nov. 6, 2021

Chance Shower | 20 Cases | Female Gunpoint | Lamb Stew | Piaci Evening | Art Exhibits | Mitchell Night | Grandma Ruby | Downtown Talmage | Vet Ceremony | Infrastructure Bill | Fjords | Ed Notes | Homeless Problems | Agenda Packet | Yesterday's Catch | Prison Slavery | Union Work | Mom Questions | Schrödinger's Dumpster | If — | Plastic Roads | WWF Abuses | Jail/School | Awful Aaron | Security Cameras | Rodgers Lied | Niagara Falls | Climate Stewards | Floating Castle | CPUC Decision | Piano Concert | Rachel Madness | Summer Hike | Yas Gig | Bear Poop | Woke Jacobins

Hiking the Mendocino Coast

Let's talk pedology. A dirty topic indeed. The word derives from the Greek pedon, meaning soil, and logos, meaning study. Pedology is the study of…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Nov. 5, 2021

Off & On | 24 Cases | Another Death | Falling Back | Panther Sports | Davis Search | Quote Quibble | MCDH 1970 | Farm Stand | Garden Tour | Nadel Stall | Book Sale | Eyster Backhand | FB Trestle | Ed Notes | Perched | Boontling | Yesterday's Catch | Let Go | Buster Record | Ag Water | Cat Door | Food Policy | Westport | Coal Use | Barges | Anti Antivaxxers | Asesino | JFK Murder | Battle Tested | Electric Future | Barcelona 1936 | Redistricting Meeting | Coast Cove | American Zionism

County Notes (November 5, 2021)

THE SUPERVISORS had to endure about ten minutes of very nutty, angry anti-vaxxers during public expression on Tuesday morning. About four of them ranted in…

Redbeard Captured!

William Evers, aka Redbeard, the fugitive who has been eluding capture for almost a year in the coastal woods outside of Albion and Comptche, was…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021

Shower/Wind/Sun | 29 Cases | Suspect Arrested | Arnot Found | Bye Smith/Story | School Bonds | Hey PG&E | Expensive Absurdities | Curator Cherney | Tax Protest | Vista | Ed Notes | State Hospital | Decommissioning PV | Splitter | Slam Dunked | Street Vendors | Restricting Rentals | Yesterday's Catch | Buster Retires | Nietzche | Tam Rain | Narcan Saves | Pandemic Idiocy | England 1970 | Loudoun County | Sidewalk Vigil | Centrism | GOP Strategy | Hastings-ectomy | Ferry Ukiah | Dem Meeting | Boiling Water | Heroes/Patriots
