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Posts published in July 2021

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, July 17, 2021

Summer Day | 12 New Cases | Drying Up | Parched State | Sausage Medley | Palace Demise | Reopened Case | 1920 Covelo | School News | Crawford Mill | Copter Overflights | Dear Jackass | PV | Sheriff Stiffing | Man Beater | Little River Museum | DQ Softserve | Mendo Breweries | Off Grid | Enchanted Meadow | American Dream | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | Book Recommendations | Death Brush | Trashing Tucker | WWIII | Pandemic Games | Autonomous Vehicles | Dem Postcards | CPR | Fire Cantata | Covid Cemetery | Wrong Think | Free Speech

Mendocino Outlaws: After the Manhunt

After the capture of the last of the Mendocino Outlaws, Harrison Brown spent a night in the Oroville jail. The local newspaper lauded those who…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, July 16, 2021

Seasonable Temps | 21 New Cases | Low Flow | Water Warning | Navarro Algae | Camp Noyo | Prunes Drying | Skunk Water | Place Name | Broiler Response | Yreka Miners | Groundwater Meeting | Living Wage | Formula Business | Preserving Rainforest | Police Reports | Sensitive Viewers | Dance Party | Magritte Post | Albion Merchants | Absalom Perkins | Ed Notes | Home Cafe | Catch/Release | Oh Susana | Reset Ordinance | Mowing | School Masks | Broadband Legislation | Bear Man | Raise Dam | Palace Jewel | Yesterday's Catch | Revival Over | Hire Homeless | PEP Lee | Equal Air | Pentecostal Plague | Modern Thought | Reed Interview | Beamed Up | Climate Prob | Thatcher Hotel | Bernie Bro

Early Boonville

Boonville. The metropolis — relatively speaking — of Anderson Valley, Boonville is both its oldest town and its commercial heart. But like so many aspects…

Home Sweet Ukiah

Reese Witherspoon is a favorite actress of mine. Next to Kate Winslet who was in the movie Titanic. I loved that scene where she steams up…

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, July 15, 2021

Inland Cooler | 21 New Cases | McGourty Conflict | Philo Produce | Pilfered Rifle | Haircut Drive | AV Schoolhouses | Offgassing SmartPigs | Coombs Store | Skyhawk Perspectives | JDSF Photos | Nobody Wondered | Coast Dawn | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Limping Down | Heavenly Boredom | Problem Overwhelm | Hard Rain | Masked Students | HumCo Where | Cannabis Meeting | Soccer Mania | Navarro Wharf | Sue Republican | Charitable Bribery | Scatback Maud | Solemnly Swear | Ignoring Petitions | Stop Vote | Cuba Blockade | Floral Coast | Deer Disease | 2008 Echo | California Climate

Letters (July 14, 2021)

My name is Jason and I’m a water technician in Laytonville. I sounded my 16th dry well in Laytonville so far this year. This one is different. Well depth = 200 feet. Location in the bottom of the valley. Uphill I can see 15 greenhouses clear as day.

County Notes (July 14, 2021)

A number of “retroactive” items are on next Tuesday’s Board Agenda, the kinds of high dollar value items the Board has complained about in the…
