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Posts published in May 2021

The Dream

Weinstein is having a drink, sweet strong coffee laced with vanilla and a jigger of over proof rum, with Ernest Hemingway on the hardwood veranda…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, May 3, 2021

Dry Winds | Gerry Haslam | Plant Sale | B Flatlining | Obey Jesus | Opting Out | Old Hippies | Lake Pillsbury | Grand Reopening | Weed v Wine | Asparagus Truck | Klamath Salmon | Bosco-rama | Yesterday's Catch | Coital Death | Animal LaMotta | Buried Blacksmith | Poverty Wages | UFO Story | Splendid Wreckage | Soylent Beige | Gender Sideshow | Please Hold | White Guy | Devil's Dictionary | Christmas Carton | American Empire

Seabiscuit, the VP & Me

The recent death of Walter Mondale brings back strong memories for me, back to when I and many other Mendocino County residents had a first-hand…

The Day of the Ashes

Yesterday, September 9, 2020 smoke and ashes from the nearby wildfires blocked out the sun and settled on the graves and gravestones in the local…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, May 2, 2021

Spring Weather | Rainfall Totals | Disaster Recovery | Mendo Covid | Vaccination Events | Fort Bragg Water | Pet Potter | 17,000 Plants | Boonville Baseballers | Crime Report | Oddfellows Hall | Grewal Lawsuit | Open Mind | Spring Poetry | Ed Notes | Grape Spin | Yesterday's Catch | Economic Legerdemain | Point Miwok | Time & Eternity | Elbow Room | No Sense | National Disgrace | Nuclear Show | Uncle Joe | Best People | Free Shipping | Powermowing | AV Villagers | Marco Radio

The House of Morgan: Strike?!

Previously, I described how a small sawmill from the Timber Boom Days after World War II operated and my first week on the job at…
