We are a family of Tolkien geeks. It all started in Comptche back in the early 90s. As a newlywed couple my ex-husband Mike and I moved onto Flynn Creek Road to build a retirement…
Posts published in April 2021
Dry Days | 6 New Cases | Fire Weather | Brown Cloud | Drought Signs | Breakthrough Cases | Iris | Vaccines Available | Plant Sale | FirstNet | Virgin Twin | Saving Steelhead | Music Program | About JDSF | Lilies | Sit Show | Fence Fail | Good Laugh | Good Cops | Blame Sacramento | Homeless Camps | Covid Mortality | Ed Notes | Forepaugh Circus | Primrose Pugilists | Blues Beach | Floribunda | Water Warning | 1930 Mendocino | Streetscape Update | Yesterday's Catch | Steep Street | Bad Cop | Good Trouble | Songcrafting | Thriving Wage | Stop It | Pusillanimous Prick | Scientific Method | Richelle Returns | Mass Shootings | Firescaping | More Bull | Demonic Phase
What should the BOS do about enforcement? Accepting the Planning Commission recommendation to “allocate appropriate resources to the Department of Planning and Building Services and the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office for permitting, enforcement and oversight”…
I live between a gorge and a graveyard. The gorge just to the south began forming some ten thousand years ago at the end of last Ice Age, and its northern rim is moving inexorably…
The National Weather Service in Eureka, California has notified the Sheriff's Office of an Elevated Fire Weather Conditions and Warm Temperatures in Mendocino County as follows: High temperatures across interior valleys will remain in the…
Warm Weekend | 4 New Cases | Favorite Sandos | Dry Lake | Rural 4G | Moonlit Coast | First Hops | Albion School | Ember Cast | Card Party | Harsh Reality | Moonshot | Buzzard Luck | Handbaskets | Simple Formula | John Wheeler | Guerilla Grower | Daisy MacCallum | Serial Killer | Pet Talk | Phase 3 | Cannabis Expansion | Specie Prints | Monoculture Ag | Yesterday's Catch | Jagger Chap | Drive In | Soup Cans | Hungry Fighter | Eel Victory | Post Vac | Art Collection | Outside | Assessment Appeals | Taserzooka | Storks | Plastic Straws | Afghan War | Sleep Well | Pacifica Vote
The Mendocino Outlaws murdered Tom Dollard and William Wright on Wednesday, October 15, 1879. By the weekend Sheriff Jim Moore arrived in Mendocino City with a posse of four other men. Moore had sent a…