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Posts published in January 2021

Kayo v. Willie (The Main Event)

In November 2000, Al Gore and George W. Bush were running for President, and so was Ralph Nader.  On the Saturday before the election Ross…

The Siqueiros and the Gringo

A recent edition of Jeopardy featured Los Tres Grandes, the three famous muralists who challenged the social order in Mexico in the mid-20th Century. The…

Mendocino County Today: January 22, 2021

Showers | 14 Cases | Sandbar Closed | Richardson Grove | Pacific Ranch | Barry Pinder | Mendocino 1936 | Burnt Wine | Borges-Gurr | 1971 Busking | Frailey Grounded | Wanted Bandit | Coast Cow | Ed Notes | Hawk | Virtual Concert | Yesterday's Catch | Capitol Crowd | Donald Dump | Wrecking America | Bitter Vintage | Everybody Knows | Conspiracy Stuff | Real Reform | Misspelling Fascism | Hooker Sis | Illegal Weapons | Juanito Cajon | Agenda Highlights | Liquid Fish | Covid Roadtrip

Congressional Attack

Preston Brooks entered the United States Senate chamber with a gutta percha walking cane in hand. The cane stood approximately waist high next to the…

What Would Cockburn Say?

Never have I missed the insight and guidance of Alexander Cockburn as much as I do now. What would he make of the big mess…

Mendocino County Today: January 21, 2021

Weak Front | 78 Cases | AVFD Report | 1971 Visions | Elder Shots | Wildlife Response | Take-Out Dinners | Capitol Trophy | Ukiah Fratricide | Vietnamese Bridge | Lizarraga Again | Piñata Burn | Bank Heist | Ed Notes | Klobucheese | Kneeling Speed | Weirdo Radio | Sportsing | Locating Lopez | Leader Apprehended | PPP Program | Yesterday's Catch | Vaccination Committee | Irrational Hatred | Cop Talk | Chromosomes Questioned | The Donald | Scary Headline | Regime Change | Tax Changes | Joe's Speech | Found Object

Conan and the Vandals

It took another Barbarian to deliver the toughest talk to the Vandals and Goths who sacked the American Capitol last week. Whether any from these…

Too Much About Nothing

At Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, there were numerous demands from some misinformed members of the public (via Zoom) for Sheriff Kendall to apologize for…

Mendocino County Today: January 20, 2021

Dry Day | Sandbar Breached | Comptche Detour | Church Clinic | Satisfied Customer | FB Shots | Long Lines | Supply Problem | Bent Slap | PA Testing | County Testing | Orgasmic Loan | Project Homekey | Wilma & Carolyn | 1971 Fair | Grants Available | Violence Denounced | Magritte 1939 | Ed Notes | Back Soon | Normal Gait | Yesterday's Catch | Pardon List | Pardon Line | Assassinating MLK | Stand Takers | Winter Encampment | Narrative Writer | Starter Pack | Conspiracy Addicts | Smoke Pollution | Spectacular Gracelessness | Snarl | Poor Health | Navalny/Assange | Rocket Science | Rethinking Biden | Found Object | Class War

Off the Record (January 20, 2021)

DOROTHEA DORMAN is dead. She died in a single-car accident on Greenfield Ranch last week near where she lived on Radical Ridge. Infamous for a…

Local Businesses Get PPP Money From the Feds

Mendo's PPP recipients include some of the least deserving entities imaginable, and employees of these recipients are invited to tell us if their paychecks were…
