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Posts published in December 2020

Liz Barney Answers Her Critics

Introduction: Alicia Bales is program director at KZYX, Philo, a publicly-funded, tax exempt fm radio station. Ms. Bales is leading a slander campaign to defame…

Valley People (December 16, 2020)

IT'S STILL so dry out there that we weren't surprised to see a CalFire spotter plane make a wide, slow circle around the Anderson Valley…

Mendocino County Today: December 15, 2020

Borges/Gurr Ruling | Vaccines Arrive | Light Rain | 28 Cases | Surf Advisory | Flicker | Noyo Nepots | Laytonville Cowboys | Richardson Grove | Early Willits | AVA Tribute | Police Reports | Save Pillsbury | Big Redwood | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Long Boat | Usal 1910 | Jail Limbo | Dead Enders | Underground Lines | Covelo Inn | Ludicrous Numbers | Babe Advice | Bureaucratic Fog | Willits Queen | le Carre Memoir | Save Gas | Comments | Rust & Stardust | Online Researchers | Live Big | Progressive Discontent

Joe Munson Meets the Soda Creek Store

I have always thought of myself as an outlaw, not a criminal and as someone who tries not to be corrupt. Usually, people either run…

Mendocino County Today: December 14, 2020

Dry Today | 38 New Cases | Trash Talk | Be Kind | Mama Linda | Little River | Forgotten Children | Manchester Cemetery | Book Flop | Laytonville Volunteers | Dysfunction County | Casparvision | Long Stop | Treasure Hut | Ed Notes | Rockport History | Yesterday's Catch | Stones Mob | Barbarian Bedtime | Petulant Loser | No Shortcuts | Electoral Coup | Gualala Cemetery | Phil Linz | Game Rigged | Pella Memories | Founding Pranksters

Continental Cuisine

All emergency staff meetings at the tony French Laundromat bistro require mandatory attendance, but the latest meeting announcement was a picture of existential urgency. The…

Mendocino County Today: December 13, 2020

Rain/Snow | 22 New Cases | Liz Responds | Caspar Creek | Incense Cedars | Pet Audi | Willits Miracle | Abandoned Mill | Richardson Grove | Breezewood USA | Agenda Items | Yesterday's Catch | Blowhole | Replacing Drake | Up Creek | Singing Biden | Likely Outcome | Sloop Upriver | Out There | Missed Zodiac | Pay Up | Killer Message | Crab Boat | American Stress | Rallies Upside | Fascism Podcast | Chip Off | Marco Radio | Found Object

Scams & The City

You'd think government employees, especially high-ranking officials, would feel relatively fortunate. Their salaries are decent and they enjoy job security unavailable in the private sector.…

Letter to the Public

It seems I have inadvertently been making the local news lately and would like to clarify what is true and what isn’t. I’ve been called…
