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Posts published in December 2020

Mendocino County Today: December 17, 2020

Isolated Showers | 57 Cases | Hospital Beds | California Outbreak | Local Testing | Cruelty Appeal | Parking Art | Ayster v Eyster | Pandemic Claus | Mendo Numbers | Albion Footings | Clare's Cafe | Ukiah Library | Surrogate Shoppers | Hop Pickers | Safe Pawner | Gold Mule | Narcan Save | Ho Ho | Grocery Deliverers | Ya Think? | Wussy Era | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Ethnic Studies | Very Scary | Hemp Plane | LA Creep | Redneck Santa | Trickle Sham | Anatomy Man | No Votes | 12 Waters

Cape Horn On the Albion

As I write, rain is predicted to arrive in a day or two, with re-occurring precipitation of measurable amounts forecast throughout the coming week. Here,…

Is It True that I’m No Longer Young?

Every year my mom’s brother-in-law Earl packed up what he needed for a few days out in the Oregon woods and hunted elk. The meat…

A Menu of Murders

The media had made Terence Hallinan's leniency a political liability and he counterpunched by publicizing murder cases to the max. Not all his punches landed.…

Mendocino County Today: December 16, 2020

Rainy Evening | 32 Cases | Covid Tsunami | USA Rising | Conrad Cox | Cemetery Kinfolk | Mayor Norvell | Public Expression | No Volleyball | Local Tradesman | Willits Mainstreet | Unfair Board | Formula Business | Ed Notes | Revolution Day | PA Testing | Early Willits | Supe Search | Mendo County | Yesterday's Catch | DNC Negotiators | Willits Mercantile | Cliff House | Willits 1949 | O'Hare Airport | Willits 1950s | Saving Democracy | Fraud Vigilante | Homemade Truck | Cleveland Indians | Sainte Chapelle | Left Wingers | Almost There | Independent Thought | Political Action | Missed Paychecks | Teaching Credential | Another Wednesday | Winter Solstice

Pot Permits Grind To a Halt

(Not that they were moving much in the first place…) Last Tuesday, the Supervisors discussed a misleading agenda item having to do with declaring marijuana…

Letters (December 16, 2020)

This pandemic has been so hard for our children. Every time we turn around, there are new rules and guidelines, and even more of their normal life being stolen away from them...

I Survived, My Spouse Didn’t

Jayme Garden and Jamie Wilcox met in 2013 while shopping for buns in an Oregon bread store and within two years the young men were…

Off the Record (December 16, 2020)

SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS by the Sheriff’s communications assistant drew the attention of KZYX’s Program Director Alicia Bales Friday morning: BALES: “There was a social media…
