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Posts published in December 2020

F. Scott Fitzgerald Bites the Big Apple

Excerpted from "The Lost City," the author describes his time in New York City, 1936.

Mendocino County Today: December 22, 2020

Cold Front | 26 New Cases | Butterworth Conundrum | Gift Books | Brevity Please | Figaro Family | Essential News | Fury Town | Owning Puff | New Highway | Ed Notes | 1900 Transportation | Winter Solstice | Hwy 20 | PD Headlines | Hwy 1 | Topknot Spotting | Driftwood Dragon | Rudilocks | Charity Nursery | Yesterday's Catch | Toy Soldier | First Christmas | Covid Relief | Bridge Column | Mitch Antoinette | Corporeal Joe | Magic Door | No Honeymoon | Good Question

In Praise of Sandhill Cranes

"Oh Lord, stuck in Lodi again," the famous John Fogarty lyrics. That's about all I knew about Lodi. I've been to the Skydiving Center in…

The Great Conjunction

The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter can be seen tonight (also for the next few nights) - at sundown. An uncommon event, I'm told. Look…

Covid Testing in Fort Bragg Tomorrow

The traveling OptumServe testing team will be offering its weekly testing every Tuesday at the Veteran’s Hall, 360 N. Harrison Street, in Fort Bragg. Please…

Mendocino County Today: December 21, 2020

Coastal Driz | 47 New Cases | Bill Steele | Doug Smith | Finding Hurt | Turkey Vulture | Armed Reyes | Boardwalk Pier | Invasive Mussels | Bird Watching | Lane's Flat | Historical Society | Mendocino Dock | Morbid Prep | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Lung Capacity | Sedition Party | Stewart's Point | Dollar Tree | KO Polio | Olmec Head | Fire Prevention | Vaccine Access | Guillotine Execution | Mary Christmas | Slaver Cheer | Idiot Selfies | Narcissus Again | D-Day Gellhorn | If Only | China Biden | Found Object

Fisticuffs & More

I have said it before and I will no doubt say it again: my fellow human beings either run to me or from me. No…

The War Inside the War in Vietnam

On the cover of Marc Levy’s The Best of Medic in the Green Time is a photo of a Colonel in clean, starched fatigues with…

Mendocino County Today: December 20, 2020

Drying Up | 24 Cases | Who Dat? | Pet Dewey | Tree Carving | Judge Brennan | Marijuana Problems | Dyerville Bridge | The Slab | First Car | Covid Volunteering | Sandstone Cliffs | Ed Notes | Camp Cheerio | DSK Case | Yesterday's Catch | Conspiracy Theories | Noyo Bridge | Feral Visitors | Big Lagoon | Jared's Vaccinated | Human Ramp | Blanket Closures | Doggie Diner | English Treacle | Plastic Wrap | Rogue Wave | All Together | Relict Trees | Hypocrite Politicians | Left Losing | Marco Radio | Lockdown Shopping
