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Posts published in November 2020

Red Pill, Blue Pill

In the spring of 2020, while the world stayed indoors to suppress Covid-19, arsonists attacked mobile phone towers in Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Australia and…

Mendocino County Today: Friday, November 13, 2020

Rain | 27 New Cases | Local Food | Sutherland Motor | Barn Sale | Noyo Crossing | Do Better | Caspar Cattle | Zoom Trivia | Sheep | Queenie's Hiatus | Old Noyo | County Notes | Aerial FB | Ed Notes | Esther Sez | Yesterday's Catch | Fierce Pajamas | Whale Breach | Absentee Ballot | Bell Ringer | Prison Update | Bamboozle Capture | Virtual Improv | Racism Protest | NFL Greed | Puppeteers | Trumpy Limerick | Homeless Zooming | Devil Hold | Biden Voters | Cold Deer | GMO Salmon | Found Object

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Whatever the outcome on Tuesday, November 3, the next day, November 4, will be the first day of the rest of my life and a…

Mendocino County Today: November 12, 2020

Rain Tomorrow | Old News | Siren Testing | Headlands | Food Banking | Dick's Place | Hotel Hogan | Early Mendo | Distant Learning | Vintage Mill | Pathogenic Viruses | Usal Wharf | ruth weiss | Logging Ops | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Vaccine Anticipation | Room Service | Crabby Crabber | Redneck Wheelchair | Deplorable Tent | Defense Ministers | Named Storms | Rise Again | Winning Message | Photo Opping | DeLillo's World | MAGA Shattered | War Anthology | Veterans Past

Bach and the Poll Worker

Bach would have been an excellent poll worker, even if in his professional life as a musical functionary he bristled under proto-democratic institutions and civic…

Coincidental Killings

The Tran case had been on hold for more than three years when it finally went to trial in the fall of 2000. The corporate…

Siren Testing, Redwood Valley

The Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District will be installing a new siren in Redwood Valley and testing different siren patterns and installation locations over the next…

Mendocino County Today: November 11, 2020

Chilly Morning | Another Death | Training Burn | Old AV | Burn Permits | Rusty Anchor | Veterans Day | MVFD | Probable Cause | Old Mendo | Willits Weekly | Albion Bridge | Ed Notes | Silk Road | Virtual Homelessness | Fussy Baby | Mehridith Unmedicated | Yesterday's Catch | Loss Stages | New Boss | Found Object | Flour Mania | Voter Thanks | Climate Action | Minefield Strategy | ACA California | Flower Geometry | Dissing Robespierre

Documenting Waste, Inaction & Impossibility

Deja Vu: After expressing the now common frustration at the lack of significant progress on the Measure B Mental Health facilities and services initiative of…
