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Posts published in July 2020

Cases on the Rise in Mendocino County

Miller Report for the Week of July 6th, 2020 By William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital Mendocino County is beginning to see a rise in cases with…

Free Covid Testing

Thursdays in July from 9:30-11am at Anderson Valley High School

MCT: Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Big River Beach;
Highway Collision;
George Chadwick;
Covid Hospitalizations;
First Death;
Mendo Stats;
Gittings Missing;
Cummings Coffee;
Mask Citations;
Manchester Station;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Radical Left;
Gigantic Egos;
Train Station;
School Decision;
Landlord's Game;
Washington Greenbacks;
Dos Rios;
Mask Psychology;
Grundy's Restaurant;
Marijuana Clearing;
Hale's Grove;
Planning Agenda;
Main Street;
PA Election;
Train Station;
Bye Bye;
How Fun;
Snyder Time;
Enduring Austerity;
Found Object

MCT: Monday, July 6, 2020

Coastal Clouds;
Lone Cracker;
Mourning Fourth;
Fuente Fire;
Lansing Street;
Tree Fire;
Horse Race;
Apple Hall;
Reversing Course;
Navarro by the Sea;
Drell's Letter;
Camp Housing;
Brick's Birthday;
Early Mendocino;
Name Commission;
Yesterday's Catch;
Guilty Person;
CCC Camps;
Anarchy Flavors;
Log Tug;
Pandemic Game;
Big Trouble;
Italian Beyonce;
Wildlife Services;
Found Object

MCT: Sunday, July 5, 2020

Hot & Dry;
Indian Creek Structure Fire;
Six New Cases;
Fuente Fire;
Mad Cad;
Independence Day;
Pink Cad;
Patriotic Moment;
History Remnant;
Merciless Savages;
Mask Debate;
Project Roomkey;
Variety Video;
Senior Pets;
Hotel Van;
Ed Notes;
Willits 1938;
Joe Rawles;
Willits Mills;
Giusti History;
Travelers Hotel;
McCowen Plan;
Yesterday's Catch;
The Toggery;
Wealth Tax;
Whitney Station;
Bensky's Thing;
Quadrio Bros;
Landslide Election;
Willits High;
Marco Radio;
Found Object
