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Posts published in July 2020

MCT: Saturday, July 11, 2020

High Pressure;
Comet Neowise;
Public Unrest;
Yorkville PO;
CEO Quarantined;
Navarro PO;
Early Yorkville;
Ms Wooten;
Commercial Covelo;
Streetscape Update;
Nickling FB;
Willits Mill;
Mendo Meetings;
Rancho Meson;
Ed Notes;
Camp Shangri-La;
Large Generators;
Yesterday's Catch;
Downtown Covelo;
Stone Free;
Ships Wreck;
Cancel Culture;
Pleasure Camp;
Protest Martyrs;
PA Agenda;
Covelo High;
Poetic Pacifist;
Dumbing Down;
Woke Inquisition;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, July 10, 2020

Hotter Inland;
Plum Tree;
Revenue Gap;
Willits 1949;
Project Roomkey;
PV Bridge;
BOS Agenda;
Mendo-Covid Update;
Prisoner Release;
Early Willits;
Velma's Farmstand;
Charcoal Ovens;
PSPS 2020;
PPP Recipients;
Motor Lodge;
Ed Notes;
Navarro Ridge PO;
Hotel Majestic;
Scissors Misdemeanor;
Visible Comet;
Yesterday's Catch;
California Surging;
Andy's Cafe;
Uncle Donald;
Corporate Denial;
Tremendous Disaster;
U-Auto Stop;
Nose Peeker;
Willits Gas;
Western Criminals;
Found Object

MCT: Thursday, July 9, 2020

Warming Interior;
Smoking Vehicle;
107 Cases;
Risky Activities;
Free Testing;
Unmasked Fines;
Philo Produce;
Doctor Zoom;
Police Reports;
Ukiah Yesteryear;
Ed Notes;
Red Star;
Animal Exploitation;
Unwanted Strokes;
Seventeen Syllables;
Yesterday's Catch;
White Fragility;
Redwood Auto;
Mass Psychosis;
Elephant Walk;
Intellectual Liberty;
Incoherent Rambling;
Service Station;
Ghost Newspapers;
Cannabis Safety;
Found Object

Mendo Cases = 107

Health Officer COVID-19 Update – July 8, 2020 1. Number of Mendocino COVID-19 cases: 107 (85 recovered; 0 hospitalized; 22 on home isolation; 78 close…

Letters (July 8, 2020)

"Reopening" has created a predictable – and completely preventable – coronavirus resurgence. Low income people desperate to pay for food and rent are forced to go to deadly virus-saturated jobs. Further, as the poor have had their hours and wages cut, the rich accumulate.

Coast Covid Testing Obstacles

Rationing of COVID-19 test kits has plagued state and local governments' response to the pandemic across the country and Mendocino County is no different. Especially…

A Look Back

History anyone? Did anybody out there see the Ukiah Daily Journal of Friday, June 19? They had a picture of my family hacienda on the…

Navarro, 1971: The Rest of the Cast

Though in my last I described The Store as the geographical, economic and social center of the town in 1971, my consort and I soon…

The War On Kitsch

With all the talk of meddling in U. S. elections and bounties on U.S. soldiers, it’s no small wonder that a Russian named Berlin can…
