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Posts published in July 2020

Haschak the Obtuse

Last Wednesday afternoon, Supervisor John McCowen wanted to know when his as yet undefined proposal to streamline the marijuana cultivation permit program would be up for discussion.  Supervisor Ted Williams agreed that the item should…

Get Kayo: The Endless Campaign

Senator Dianne Feinstein had told Terence Hallinan bluntly after he was elected district attorney in November ‘95 that “we” would not let it happen again. He assumed that DiFi’s “we” meant San Francisco’s and/or the Democratic…

On Christmas & The Sacred Herb

Here it is the middle of a heat wave and all I can think of, aside from my tomato plants, is a cold cold Christmas when I was in jail. I should have known it…

Bears Now & Then

Most late afternoons or evenings I walk down a half mile of hillside to the bottomland next to the Albion River to check on the cows. They provide a bit of Cow-vid entertainment almost daily: a…
