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Posts published in July 2020

MCT: Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Co-op Tests Positive;
Sunny Days;
Shasta Comet;
Outbreak Update;
Mendo Surging;
155 Cases;
Teeming Tourists;
Supes Notes;
Pot Alphabet Soup;
Guilty Plea;
Old Fort Bragg;
Ed Notes;
Wildcare Summer Camp;
Gualala Logging Lawsuit;
Cat Story;
Yesterday's Catch;
New Fascism;
Brave Centrist;
Gold Miner;
Reading Ecstasy;
National Collapse;
Found Object

Outbreak at Sherwood Oaks

Miller Report for the Week of July 13th, 2020 By William Miller, MD – Chief of Staff at Adventist Health – Mendocino Coast Hospital Last…

MCT: Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Find Gittings;
Plausible Rumors;
California Closures;
School Street;
Quake Odds;
Ukiah Stage;
Help Fuente;
Watercolor Artist;
San Juan;
Ed Notes;
Redwood Journal;
Gray Art;
Tour de Salo;
Ukiah Chamber;
Nomination Period;
Hortense Lives;
Anniversary Ride;
Ukiah Home;
Dark Skies;
Yesterday's Catch;
White Album;
Virus Winning;
Foster's Variety;
Shared Sad;
Fortify Yourself;
Got Pot?;
More Bensky;
Trans Lifestyle;
Downtown Ukiah;
Position Statement;
Gold Miners;
Enduring Case;
Swimming Caps;
Found Object

Ukiah Valley Breaks 100

[July 13] Coronavirus cases in Mendocino County now number 136, with Ukiah Valley, by itself, hitting triple figures.

Re-Closing California

Governor Newsom Announces New Restrictions on Businesses; Health Officer Issues Revised Health Order to Align with State Restrictions Post Date: 07/13/2020 7:01 PM Today, July 13,…

How Chicken Conquered the World

From an Asian jungle 10,000 years ago to kitchens all over the world.

MCT: Monday, July 13, 2020

Thermal Trough;
132 Cases;
Dick's Watercolor;
Colfax Dismayed;
Laytonville 1890;
Ad Hoc-ery;
Laytonville 1927;
AB 1506;
Palace Hotel;
Opening Schools;
Laytonville 1933;
Humco Hothouse;
Laytonville 1937;
People Misbehaving;
Yesterday's Catch;
Banal Tyranny;
California Rangers;
Laytonville 1938;
We Die;
Grammar School;
Economic Predators;
Coastal Dunes;
Maple Lodge;
Fund Police;
Indian Paintbrush;
Local Doctor;
Tanoak Park;
Rancher Welfare;
Washington Greenbacks;
Wildlife Spending;
Found Object

19 New Covid Cases Confirmed

Health Officer Confirms 19 New Covid-19 Cases and First Outbreak at a Skilled Nursing Facility Post Date: 07/12/2020 4:30 PM Today, Mendocino County Health Officer…

MCT: Sunday, July 12, 2020

Hot Interior;
Pet Joey;
Mendocino 1880;
Mask Fines;
Plum Bear;
BOS Items;
Log Chute;
Ed Notes;
Reyes Trouble;
Navarro Mill;
Gualala Lawsuit;
Mill Engine;
Lovato Backslides;
Yesterday's Catch;
Coin Shortage;
Wendling Mill;
Writing Thinking;
Navarro by the Sea;
Bleak Picture;
Gualala 1915;
Police Oversight;
Gualala Engine;
Senate Failing;
Gualala Hotel;
China Gulch;
Militarized Budget;
Pottstown Mercury;
Private Washout;
Marco Radio;
Harper's Letter;
Found Object
