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Posts published in June 2020

Mendocino March

[Jun 7] Show your solidarity with Black Lives Matter and ending Police Brutality. This Sunday in Downtown Mendocino! Join us in a march through town to Friendship Park. Meet at Gallery Books, Sunday June 7th…

MCT: Sunday, June 7, 2020

Cool Temps;
Strawberry Moon;
Widespread Protests;
Muhasibi Shalom;
Pet Princess;
Recruit McHugh;
Reopening Lodging;
Mendocino March;
Introductory Notes;
Palace Hotel;
Crucially Important;
Yesterday's Catch;
Colorful Succulents;
Youthful Antics;
Willits 1925;
Ed Notes;
Train Wreck;
Judge Hastings;
Willits Library;
Obama Mutineers;
Covelo Hotel;
SOD Tests;
Thornton Hotel;
Martial Law;
Karma Investment;
Firewood Machine;
Marco Radio;
Canine Commandments;
No Delusions;
Found Object

MCT: Saturday, June 6, 2020

Cool Weekend;
Live Oak;
Coast Notes;
Boonville 1909;
Naulty Note;
Boonville 1966;
Covelo Crackdown;
Navarro Mouth;
Baby Season;
Ukiah Theater;
Graduation Ceremony;
Bull Team;
Ed Notes;
Swallow Nestlings;
Doohan's Gig;
Yesterday's Catch;
Dam Nation;
Anton Stadium;
Hitched Together;
Vichy Springs;
Honoring Friendship;
Facebook Friends;
Heavy Bags;
Victory Theatre;
Acute Psychosis;
Bailout Beneficiary;
Biden Nosepin;
Lively Up;
Buddha Gate;
LA Arrest;
Remove Them;
Counterfeit Bill;
Broken Contract

MCT: Friday, June 5, 2020

Low Pressure;
Healdsburg Protest;
Dubious Spending;
Mosswood Ten;
AV Village;
Violet-green Swallow;
Foodshed News;
FB Church;
Testing Numbers;
Picket Fence;
Homeless Encampment;
Geese Landing;
Tower Approved;
Black Dog;
Goodbye Teamwork;
Ed Notes;
Sonoma Hills;
Howard Coward;
Yesterday's Catch;
Forget War;
Mask Solidarity;
CO2 Levels;
Talk Radio;
Valley Fog;
Helpful Idioms;
War Zone;
Ruling Class;
Redwood Tree;
Uniformed Dopers;
False Flag;
Duckweed Found;
New Wall

MCT: Thursday, June 4, 2020

Last Hot;
Next Reopening;
Barn Swallow;
Twelfth Week;
Mendocino Bluff;
Nash Fire;
FB Protest;
Doohan Rewrite;
Greenwood Beach;
Bypass Crash;
The Threatener;
Quarantine Station;
Grand Theft;
UPD Statement;
Homeless Encampment;
Marble Banks;
National Guard;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Police State;
Memorial Kiss;
Rubber Bullets;
Ukiah Hills;
Violence Cycle;
Draft Skirmish;
Raised Fist;
NBA Plan;
Fly Ukiah;
Mattis Denunciation;
Dominating Yet;
Found Object
