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Posts published in May 2020

Culinary Chaos in History

“Drunken Woodsmen Wreck Cookhouse-Raise Hades at Little Valley Camp.” That’s what a headline in the Mendocino Beacon reported in the November 23, 1918 issue. This…

Defending the Mutineers

A soldier being court-martialed is entitled to an Army defender plus “counsel of choice.” Fourteen of the 27 Presidio stockade prisoners who had been read…

Off the Record (May 13, 2020)

ONE MORE PLUG for the fiction of Annie Proulx and her lightest book so far, the comic masterpiece, ‘That Old Ace in the Hole,’ funniest…

Valley People (May 13, 2020)

THE NEW AMBULANCE HAS ARRIVED!  Long-awaited by the volunteers who respond to anyone in need in our service area, the Anderson Valley Ambulance Service (AVAS)…

MCT: Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Positive Nurse;
Future Plans;
Deserted Street;
AV Testing;
Grocery Outlet;
Parenting Solution;
Attestation Testiness;
Good Lie;
Bridge Jumper;
California Theatre;
Personal Tragedies;
Romanian POWs;
Disproportionate Response;
Obstacles Gauntlet;
Heroes All;
Titantic Stateroom;
Remember Optum;
Ballplayer Boccabella;
Supe Letters;
Ballplayer Bass;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
New Party;
McKibben Response;
Mass Rolfing;
Postal Service;
Santa Rosa;
Bike Trip;
Found Object

Nurse Tests Positive

Yesterday, we were notified that one of our team members tested positive for COVID-19. We are in the process of notifying and testing those who…

MCT: Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Comptche Fox;
New Ambulance;
Replacement Quits;
Big Butt;
LakeCo Affairs;
British Searchlight;
Novel Response;
Bohemian Clubbers;
Constitutional Peril;
Ed Notes;
Barbary Coast;
Role Models;
Racial Contract;
Wage Slaves;
Demon Dictionary;
Out Walking;
Health Choices;
American Response;
Wadi Qelt;
School Funding;
America Today;
Homeless Capital;
Safety Cop;
MendoLake MusicFest;
Jet Engine;
Splinter Bambino;
Post Office;
Safe Again;
Broken Promises;
Aloha Chant;
Found Object
