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Posts published in May 2020

A Small Park

I love parks. City parks and small town parks. Don’t we all?  Somebody smart said every great city has a great public park, or two.…

Riding the Coast

Way back in high school I somehow got the wild idea to ride a bicycle down the entire West Coast, from the Canadian to Mexican…

The Demise of Mamalcoosh

Last time we recounted the killing of a Yuki warrior named Shemia by his fellow Yuki, Mamalcoosh. The piece also discussed how their names were…

Journal of the Plague Year (#10)

Berkeley, CA May 25, 2020 — Let’s look at history. At 11 a.m. on November 13, 1941, three weeks before the Japanese attack on the…

Meat: To Eat or Not To Eat?

Meat is the enemy! That’s the mantra I hear these days from nearly all sides of the political spectrum. In The New York Times author, Jonathan Safran…

When Giants Fall

It was only a few decades ago that Walmart entered the pantheon of American icons, joining motherhood, apple pie, and baseball on the highest tier…

Laugh, Damn You, Laugh

Incognito as a gay though/ but not actually that way a/ pseudo homo phony. Not the usual stirring, elevating, meaningful, pithy nuggets you see italicized…

Rodeo & Cotton

My first rodeo was in Willits on the 4th of July sometime in the late 1940’s. My grandfather took the family to see the Willits…

MCT: Wednesday, May 27, 2020

High Pressure;
Jackson Search;
Covelo Madness;
Permitted Growers;
Oakland Issues;
Rock Rose;
Risky Behavior;
Lockdown Stress;
Ukiah Valley;
Beauty Returns;
Sonoma PHF;
Mask Resistance;
Comptche Updates;
Ukiah Courthouse;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
Masks Help;
River Mouth;
Death Count;
Ukiah Corner;
Billionaire Cowboys;
School Street;
Watching Rollers;
Brothel Island;
Free Delivery;
Biden Disaster;
Logging Trestle;
Love Me;
Mendo Garden;
Resign Now;
Ukiah Gateway;
Is Why;
Dalton Intro;
Mile Race;
Virus Talk;
Found Object
