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Posts published in April 2020

Supes Address Corona Virus

After County Counsel Christian Curtis explained the procedural requirements last Tuesday morning, the Board of Supervisors quickly decided to add the virus emergency to their…

Off the Record (April 1, 2020)

AS OF LATE MONDAY, plague stats for Mendocino County reveal only four infections, all of them travel-related. Ms. Dukett of Public Health explained that Mendo's…

Valley People (April 1, 2020)

THIS SILENT CATASTROPHE is moving faster than the reports of its already dire consequences. In the Anderson Valley, people are self-isolating, meaning that citizens are…

Journal of the Plague Year (#2)

Berkeley, CA. Week of 3/23 – There’s something basically distressing about having to gather almost all of one’s knowledge and experience remotely. Not by “being…

Stay Home & Make News of Your Own

The doctor wasn’t in his office and wasn’t seeing patients either, but he was talking with them by phone, and trying to be supportive. After…

AV Land Trust Sues Peachland Family (Part 9)

From my family’s perspective, the Anderson Valley Land Trust’s lawsuit against us was retaliation and payback.  When the AVLT decided that the location of a…

Russ Emal Looks Back

Sitting around with less than normal to do, my mind wandered to the time we first moved to Anderson Valley. It was in the late…

The Rock of Rocks

A big rock, located on the far back of my property, has always intrigued me. You need to know where it is and how to…
